The Aussie Zionist lobby remembers its job

Israel is facing global criticism, so of course the Australian Jewish News focuses on poor, little Jewish students on campus who may be forced to see photos of dead Palestinians in Gaza. Tough times for the Zionist community: An escalation in tension around Australian university campuses is expected after the Gaza flotilla raid this week.…

“Cats smuggling semtex in their fur for Hamas”

More, please (thank you, Mark Steel): It’s time the Israeli government’s PR team made the most of its talents, and became available for hire. Then whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned down a selection of passers-by, they could be on hand to tell the world’s press “The…

Obama administration and Israel sitting in a tree…

Sigh: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday defended Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip and its decision to intercept the pro-Palestinian flotilla bringing humanitarian aid to the coastal territory, though he did not go so far as to defend the Israel Navy raid that killed nine people two days earlier. In an interview with…

A few simple steps for Israel to win back friends (measured in decades)

Note yesterday’s editorial in Murdoch’s Australian broadsheet. Defensive, seemingly pained that the beloved Israel had acted so brazenly and less defiant as usual. Next step, backing a targeted boycott campaign (ok, I can dream): The Jewish state must reassure the world it wants peace In boarding vessels intent on breaking the Gaza blockade the Israeli…

“We would never tolerate this from our enemies”

The letters in today’s Sydney Morning Herald. Hear the rising anger about the pass Australia and the West in general have given Israel for decades. Public opinion is shifting. Feel it: I am sick of the PR spin. I am sick of the tired justifications, I am sick of the diplomatic niceties and double standards.…

Thank God Israel stopped those 700 terrorists

What is a man to do who simply loves Israel like a fine wine, an aged cheese, a voluptuous lady? Over to you, Murdoch man Andrew Bolt: Jihad was also the spirit on the Mavi Marmara as it sailed for Gaza. Those on board refused offers by Israel that they dock at an Israeli port…

Protecting Israel by the usual US suspects

Just in case anybody thinks the American, corporate media is doing a decent and fair job reporting the Gaza flotilla massacre. They’re not. And watch this interview with Salon’s Glenn Greenwald, where even the suggestion that Israel may be in the wrong isn’t accepted by host Eliot Spitzer: Visit for breaking news, world news,…

West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

Gazans feel a few days of freedom

A small but welcome step (considering Egypt is a client state) and a slap in the face to Israel’s insane, cruel and counter-productive siege on Gaza: Egypt opened its border with the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, letting Palestinians cross until further notice amid a storm of international criticism of Israel’s blockade of the enclave, officials…

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