The charming gassing of fellow Arabs by Egypt

Mubarak’s Egypt, doing the dirty work of Israel and America and laughing all the way to the corrupt bank. A “moderate” Arab regime, in the words of policy makers and Zionists: Egyptian forces pumped gas into a cross-border tunnel used to smuggle goods into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, killing four Palestinians, Hamas officials said.…

Health crisis in the Gaza Strip

The Israeli experiment, otherwise known as Gaza: The Gaza Strip’s ministry of health has warned that fuel shortage is pushing the energy-stripped enclave to the verge of a humanitarian and health crisis. The warning comes days after the Israeli blockade of the Hamas-run coastal sliver led to the closure of the energy-stripped territory’s sole power…

While American Jews romance Israel, their dream is dying

Another day, another American politician who wants to sleep with Israel like she’s a fine (amoral) lady: New York Senator Chuck Schumer harshly criticized the Obama Administration’s attempts to exert pressure on Israel today, making him the highest-ranking Democrat to object to Obama’s policies in such blunt terms. Schumer, along with a majority of members…

Hamas is down but bi-nationalism is in

When this happens, it’s hard to see Hamas becoming more popular: Gaza’s Hamas rulers have burned more than 1 million pills of a pain killer many Gazans take because they say it relaxes them. Hamas Health Minister Basim Naim said Tuesday that the drug, Tramadol, was confiscated from smugglers who sneak it through tunnels under…

So AIPAC isn’t reporting to a foreign entity?

Laugh or cry story of the day. From the pro-settler news service: Two of Israel’s largest extreme-left organizations, B’Tselem and Peace Now, have been accused of potentially violating United States law by acting illegally as foreign agents. The U.S. Department of Justice has been informed of the accusations, and is looking into the matter. The…

Hamas is not above murdering its enemies

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem rightly condemns the thuggish behaviour of Hamas: B’Tselem strongly condemns the execution today of two Palestinians convicted of collaboration with Israel, by the Hamas government in Gaza. The death penalty is immoral and violates the basic right to life of every human being. B’Tselem holds that under no circumstance must…

Why al-Jazeera listens to Gaza

Ayman Mohyeldin, Gaza correspondent for Al Jazeera English, tells Democracy Now!: …Since the launch of Al Jazeera International, we have been committed to covering the story of Gaza and the people there under siege. We think it’s the important, if not one of the most important, stories in the region and in the world and…

Yes, a US official sits and talks with Hamas (that’s news, apparently)

Al-Jazeera reports on a story that shows the rather pathetic fear that accompanies even meeting an Islamist organisation. Better watch out, you may catch the resistance bug: I could not believe my eyes this morning at the Al Jazeera Centre for Strategic Studies conference on Political Islam.…  Perusing the programme I noticed a panel that…

Naomi Klein is a danger to the world (insert laugh here)

An intriguing and rather pathetic attempt to slam Naomi Klein, by the Zionist think-tank Reut Institute, claiming she is really working (implicitly, of course) with Hamas and Hizbollah to destroy Israel. Yes, it’s that sophisticated and utterly ignores any human rights abuses in Palestine: “Kleinists” seem to have concluded that one-sided criticism of Israel is…

Here we go again: growing tension between Israel and Hamas

Rumblings in Gaza and a major Israeli loss: Two Israeli soldiers have been killed during clashes with Hamas fighters on the Gaza Strip’s southern border, the Israeli army has said. Two other soldiers were wounded during the fighting which broke out east of the town of Khan Younis. Two Palestinian militants were also killed in…

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