Two IDF men speak out strongly against the Gaza onslaught

Arik Diamant and David Zonsheine, I salute you. This kind of article in the Guardian takes guts, especially coming from the depths of the Israeli military: The Israeli media marked the one-year anniversary of Operation Cast Lead, the war on Gaza, almost as a celebration. The operation is recognised almost unanimously in Israel as a…

Fisk examines the messy Middle East (and knows who is in charge)

Robert Fisk’s latest essay is a long, poetic, sometimes confused, look at the Israel/Palestine conflict. It’s full of concise observations, depressing facts and insights. Very few other mainstream journalists are given the space to pontificate on any issue. Fisk knows the conflict well, remains convinced that a two-state solution is the only answer (though is…

Calm and peace in short supply in the Middle East

Such unhealthy rumblings are sadly familiar in the Middle East: Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal warned on Friday that should another war erupt with Israel, the majority of battles would not be contained to the Gaza Strip as they were during the conflict last winter. Meshal told the London-based Al-Hayyat that Hamas was not interested…

The Daily Show is selective about Middle East outrage

Jon Stewart covers anti-Semitic Hamas cartoons and worries about the kid’s education in Gaza. Fair enough, but can you even imagine the same show looking into US-backed, settler material that routinely demonises Arabs? Of course not: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Story Hole – Children’s Cartoons From Hamas…

The Hague may soon be seeing some Israeli leaders

Trouble ahead for the Jewish state: The United Nations is likely to refer the findings of the Goldstone report to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, diplomatic sources in New York said on Saturday. A decision to bring the report on last year’s Gaza war before the court would follow a debate in…

South Africa may be Israel’s future

Everywhere one turns these days, the apartheid/South African analogy is growing in strength: A senior Israeli military official during last year’s war in Gaza has said that an independent commission of inquiry should investigate allegations that Israeli troops committed war crimes. Colonel Pnina Sharvit-Baruch, who was in charge of the Israel Defence Forces’ international law…

Investigate Gaza and get over the victimhood

And Israel wonders why the world demands more from a supposed democracy? A high-ranking officer has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli army went beyond its previous rules of engagement on the protection of civilian lives in order to minimise military casualties during last year’s Gaza war, The Independent can reveal. The officer,…

Israel uses white phosphorus in civilian areas (says Israel)

This latest statement by B’Tselem warrants consideration: B’Tselem has sent an urgent letter to the judge advocate general, Maj. Gen. Avichai Mandelblit, demanding that he immediately order a Military Police investigation into the circumstances of the firing of phosphorus shells at the UNWRA compound in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. This morning, the media reported…

Abbas is bought and sold and he’s happy about it

This Guardian “exclusive” interview with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a thoroughly dispiriting affair. It’s a profile of a man with little or no freedom to move, totally bank-rolled by the Western powers (while the ever-expanding occupation making true independence utterly impossible) and powerless to do much except imprison Hamas officials and anybody who opposes…

Zionist incitement grows against critical voices

With growing signs in Israel of crushing dissent, this article by Hadas Ziv, director of Physicians for Human Rights Israel and published in Maariv, is revealing of a deeper mindset. At what point does the world realise that many hardline Israelis have no interest in real democracy? In the course of Operation Cast Lead there…

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