Poor old Israel just can’t get a break, worries Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick loves everything about hardline Zionism. She couldn’t survive without constantly warning about the threats faced by Israel. Her latest article continues the familiar theme: the world hates Jews, we are alone and please can we bomb Iran soon? Since the Holocaust, old-style right-wing anti-Semites in Europe have had a hard…

Time for new Palestinian elections but who really cares?

Internal Palestinian politics are mired in mistrust, hatred and fighting (or colluding) with Israeli occupation. This “milestone” has been barely recognised: Four years after Hamas won an upset victory in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, prompting swift international sanctions and a Western-led diplomatic boycott, the mandate for the parliament it dominated officially expired on Monday.…

Hate mail of the week

Here’s a gem from one Albert Landa, delivered on the Sabbath, no less: I just caught your interview with the ubiquitous Geraldine Doogue(spelling?) and I have heard quite a lot about you and the question which came to my mind, in a nutshell, is this: ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” What is it that you want…

Obama is like Bush is like Clinton is like Bush

The status-quo lives on: President Barack Obama says his administration overestimated its ability to persuade the Israelis and Palestinians to resume meaningful peace talks. Obama says both parties have been unwilling to make the bold gestures needed to move the process forward. If the U.S. had anticipated that earlier, Obama says he might not have…

Fisk on ever-worsening tensions between Lebanon and Israel

Robert Fisk on renewed fears that Israel and Lebanon may be at war again soon. The insanity of such a move is undoubted – both sides, Hizbollah and Israel, have been threatening the other – but it’s clear that Israel is determined to avenge its disastrous 2006 adventure against Lebanon: Of course, the gentle countryside…

Israel threatened West Bank as a “second Gaza”

Palestinian civil society is not just calling on Israel to account for its crimes (remember this next time one reads that Palestinians are only obsessed with holding Israel responsible for human rights violations) Eleven Palestinian human rights organizations have called on the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas government in Gaza to endorse the Goldstone report…

How Hamas will manage the impending Egyptian wall against Gaza

Abu Murrad, a nomme de guerre, senior commander in Rafah of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas: It’s not a big problem. There are already holes in the wall, and the Egyptians know this. We’ll go through it or under it. Already there are tunnels deeper than the wall. This is what…

What’s the blockade doing to the Strip?

The latest weekly edition of Gaza Gateway: The firing of rockets and mortar shells on towns in southern Israel from the Gaza Strip last week should be categorically condemned, since it targeted Israeli civilians or failed to distinguish between military and civilian targets. The perpetrators and the Hamas government which allows militant groups to fire…

Getting into Gaza

My following New Matilda article is published today: While the rest of us toasted the New Year, newmatilda.com correspondent Antony Loewenstein was in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March In late December, one year after Israel’s brutal military assault on the Gaza Strip, some 1300 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo to draw attention…

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