The Jakarta Post: Changing people’s perceptions about Jews

The following feature by Desy Nurhayati appears in yesterday’s Jakarta Post: His recent visit to Aceh made Antony Loewenstein the first Jew that most people in the country’s devoutly Muslim province had ever met or engaged with. Some Acehnese he met were surprised to learn that the Jewish-Australian journalist, author of the controversial and best-selling…

Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (says Jewish historian)

Israeli historian Benny Morris, a man with a serious dislike of Arabs and Iranians, yesterday unloaded in the UK Guardian and urged nothing less than a military strike against the Islamic Republic. Once again, a leading Zionist voice defines his ideology as nothing other than violence and devastation: The talk in Israel, explicit and open…

All Palestinians around the world must decide the future

British based intellectual Ghada Kharmi, who last visited Australia in 2007, writes that the Palestinian national struggle is facing a seminal moment in its history. Take care, she writes, the future is being written now: The divergence of opinion and the ferment of ideas are indications that at this critical stage in Palestinian history, what…

How the Israel lobby infects the brightest minds

Adam Shapiro, an award-winning documentary filmmaker and human rights activist, is currently working with the Free Gaza Movement. This is his latest article: One year ago, I watched election results coming in for Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District, where my friend and colleague Tom Perriello was challenging incumbent Virgil Goode, Jr. CNN kept flipping the winner…

Jews who want to hug Hamas, get in line, peoples

I missed this news a few weeks ago (thanks to Promised Land for picking it up) that a majority of Israelis favour some kind of negotiation with Hamas: Israelis don’t oppose negotiations in general – but they don’t feel an urgency to negotiate as well. Things are OK right now, so for all they care,…

Get over the faux fear and speak to Hamas now

Former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevy, who headed the agency from 1998 to 2002, spoke this week to ABC Radio PM about the importance of engaging Hamas: Well as you know I am on record for the last six years saying that Hamas should be part of the solution not part of the problem. In…

Of course we should examine the occupation, not ignore it

The New York Review of Books has a blog and David Shulman weighs in on the UN Goldstone report, rejecting the criticism that the wider context of the occupation be forgotten: …The report’s attempt to link whatever happened in Gaza with what has been going on in the West Bank for the last forty-two years…

Israel lobby funds another media tour. Read all about it

My following article is published today on Crikey: “Peter Hartcher is the Sydney Morning Herald’s international editor. He travelled to Israel as a guest of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.” Hartcher’s latest piece for his paper tells a familiar tale. The UN Goldstone report on the Gaza war… ”‰—”‰in which Israel and Hamas are accused…

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