Choking Gaza to make a perverted political point

A fascinating insight into the realities in Gaza in the London Review of Books. Deprivation, corruption, desperation, an Israeli siege and Egyptian bad behaviour: According to World Bank officials, 80 per cent of Gaza’s imports currently come through the tunnels. Once black-market smuggling had turned into Gaza’s formal trade, Hamas inspectors began to impose controls…

The war on terror isn’t a reason to kill Palestinians

The UN Human Rights Council last week endorsed the Goldstone report over Gaza. Israel may soon have its own Pinochet moment. Leading Jewish American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg is worried, however, and his reasoning is revealing: Tactics deployed to hurt Israel inevitably cause collateral damage. It’s a good thing that the United States, and a handful…

How not to report the truth about Gaza

Judith Miller is the infamous journalist who pushed bogus claims against Saddam Hussein before the Iraq war. She’s filed a report from Gaza, littered with falsehoods, not least that the Western-backed Palestinian Authority is friendly to the West, unlike Hamas. It’s called buying friends, Judith, you should know about all that.

How many Arabs need to be killed before action is taken?

The fall-out from the UN’s Goldstone report over Gaza is that Israel is once again seen as existing above the law: “That President Obama is receiving the Noble Peace prize after his failure to speak out during the Gaza war, and after his administration’s protection of a state that has committed war crimes, is an…

Let the Palestinian people breath, so Abbas must go

Another day and another condemnation by the Arab world of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He is leading his people to ruin. Rami Khouri writes: I was at the United Nations two weeks ago when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas spoke at the 60th anniversary of UNRWA, and his performance was thoroughly empty and unimpressive. Abbas…

Mahmoud Abbas and friends urge the killing of Gazans, on tape

Just the latest and perhaps most damning of evidence that the Palestinian Authority is a corrupt, utterly irrelevant yet highly useful tool of Israel and the Americans. How can any Palestinian treat these goons with respect? If true, these allegations are sadly predictable. The following is from Israeli paper Ma’ariv on 5 October (via Norman…

Hamas proves a point the hard way

The Washington Post reports the screaming obvious: after wars, bombardment and blockade, Palestinian resistance has won the day (despite huge costs for the people themselves): A top Israeli security official said there has been a frustrated acknowledgment in Israeli intelligence and military circles that, as it stands, there is no obvious alternative to continued Hamas…

Palestinian children should understand the Holocaust

Despite opposition from some within Hamas who deny the gravity of the Jewish Holocaust, the UN should be praised for this move: The United Nations’ refugee agency is planning to include the Holocaust in a new human-rights curriculum for Gaza’s secondary-school pupils, despite strident opposition to the idea from within Hamas. John Ging, the UN…

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