A Rabbi speaks out about Israeli crimes in Gaza

Always an inspiration, Rabbi Brant Rosen writes: Israel’s military assault on Gaza in 2008-09 represented an important turning point in my own relationship with Israel. I recall experiencing a new and previously unfamiliar feeling of anguish as Israel bombarded the people living in that tiny, besieged strip of land over and over, day after day…

The Wire interview on Israel and Gaza

I was interviewed a few days by the Australian national current affairs program, The Wire: Israel’s latest strike on Gaza and assassination of Hamas military leader Amas Jabaari should be seen as traditional aggressive pre-election behaviour says commentator Antony Loewenstein. He says Egypt’s new regime and its connection to the Muslim Brotherhood is also making…

“We brought a Nakba upon you”

During protests against Israel’s current aggression in Gaza held in Tel Aviv on the 15th November, there was a counter protest which shows vile racism against Muslims and hatred towards Palestinians. This short film is yet more fine work by Israeli journalist David Sheen and reflects a majority perspective in the Zionist state:

The Jewish state counts acceptable calories for Palestinians in Gaza

No comment is really required on this story except to say that it shows Israel to be a nation that views another people, the Palestinians, as lesser human beings. Amira Hass in Haaretz: After a three-and-a-half-year legal battle waged by the Gisha human rights organization, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has finally…

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