Hope lives in Gaza despite siege, desperation and anger

My following essay appeared this week on Mondoweiss: The drive from Gaza City to Khan Younis takes around 40 minutes. The roads are rocky and the landscape barren, with destroyed houses and factories along the way. Cars and donkey-drawn carts populate the road. Last Friday I rode in a battered taxi towards the city to…

Islam under Hamas gets defined

Being in Gaza, it’s clear that a relatively strict interpretation of Islam is growing in public appearance. Many Gazans don’t subscribe to it, but for example it’s very rare to see a woman with her hair uncovered. This report therefore rings true: Senior Hamas officials had claimed, in the wake of Hamas’ June 2007 Gaza…

A movement realises good PR

The New York Times reports on the changes in Hamas: Seven months after Israel started a fierce three-week military campaign here to stop rockets from being fired on its southern communities, Hamas has suspended its use of rockets and shifted focus to winning support at home and abroad through cultural initiatives and public relations. The…

This is one way to display anti-Zionism

Showing solidarity with Gaza and Hamas in a very distinct way: Representatives of the anti-Zionist, ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta sect paid a brief visit on Thursday to militantly anti-Israel Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. The group arrived in Gaza Wednesday night, marking the first time envoys from the tiny ultra-Orthodox sect have come to Gaza…

Jewish journalist would like the chance to pull the trigger

Conservative blogger Michael Totten interviews Zionist journalist and war-enabler Jeffrey Goldberg. They talk about many things, including occupation, Iraq, bombing Iran, Judaism, bombing Iran, Palestinian hatred of Israel, Hamas and the bombing of Iran. Welcome to the insulated and aggressive world of cocooned Zionism: Goldberg: And here’s the thing. Netanyahu doesn’t want to endanger the…

Ignore this Palestinian at your peril

Palestinian-American Ali Abunimah, who I interviewed last year, writes about the Hamas leader’s recent speech regarding his vision for the Middle East: Meshal welcomed a “change of tone” from President Obama but emphasized repeatedly that only a change of policy would matter. He nevertheless claimed the new tone as the fruit of the “stubborn steadfastness…

Women in Gaza take note

Are such moves made with the consent of the Gazan people? Hamas security forces detained a Gazan journalist at a beach over the weekend because she was not wearing a headscarf. Asma al-Ghul, who writes for the Palestinian daily Al-Ayam, said she was at the beach near the Shati refugee camp with a mixed group…

When Jewish insecurity is something to celebrate

Here’s yet another example of Zionist self-congratulation and self-obsession. The Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg interviews Michael Oren, the new Israeli ambassador to the US. In this clip at least, no mention of Arabs, Palestinians or the occupation. Oren has many of his own issues but it strikes me that Zionists are increasingly feeling like they…

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