Expect resistance unless results

Following the invitation of Hamas leader Khalid Meshal to address some British MPs, his words are worth considering: Hamas’ politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal made statements in an address to British lawmakers via satellite on Wednesday. “Resistance is means to an end and not the objective itself,” said Mashaal, “and if we find another way to…

When independence is needed

The following statement is released today by B’Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights, Gisha, Adalah,The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Yesh Din, Hamoked, The Public Committee Against Torture, Bimkom and Rabbis for Human Rights: Results of Israeli military investigations published today of alleged violations in Gaza are very problematic – the only way to truly…

This is a plan guaranteed to lead to violence

Let’s hope Obama treats this Israeli attempt to indefinitely postpone any negotiations with the Palestinians with the contempt it deserves. If not, a third intifada is far from unlikely: The new Israeli government will not move ahead on the core issues of peace talks with the Palestinians until it sees progress in U.S. efforts to…

Talking won’t kill anyone

Let the usual suspects bleat, but this is certainly good news. It’s called acknowledging Middle East realities: The former Labour minister Clare Short has been embroiled in a row after inviting senior Hamas leader Khaled Meshal to address MPs in Parliament. Ms Short faced strong criticism from both the British and Israeli governments for her…

Leave the Nazis dead and buried

I generally agree with the comments by Muzzlewatch about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech in Geneva. Much of the talk was actually historically accurate and presented uncomfortable truths for the West and Israel in particular, but his Holocaust denial, aggression and defending of human rights was all a sick joke when one knows the reality…

It’s time for Jews to answer serious questions

The attempt by supporters of Israel to smear anybody with the anti-Semitic brush will only increase as the Jewish state takes its place in the gallery of rogue nations. Take the London Independent columnist Howard Jacobson, who wrote in his paper in February that much criticism of Israel during the Gaza war was, you guessed…

Watching the elites move their cards

Two opinion articles in today’s New York Times that suggest a noticable shift in that paper’s stance on Israel/Palestine (or at least providing space for more critical voices). First up, Roger Cohen writes in yet another piece that Obama cannot allow under any circumstances Israel to bomb Iran: “Israel would be utterly crazy to attack…

This is what the Jewish state faces forever?

Thomas Ricks writes the following on his Foreign Policy blog. Bleak beyond belief: Ariel Siegelman, an Israeli specialist in counterterrorism, offers the best explanation I’ve seen so far for what Israel was trying to do in the Gaza attack: For almost three years [after the 2006 Lebanon war], there were no illusions; we knew that…

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