Do they want to know?

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem calls for a full investigation into the state’s abuses in Gaza: The extent of the harm to the Gaza civilian population from the recent operation is unprecedented. Whole families were wiped out. Children were killed before their parents’ eyes. Some people watched as their loved ones bled to death. The…

Such selective outrage

Victoria is currently experiencing shocking bushfires that have claimed countless lives. One fire-fighter told Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper that the scenes were like a “Holocaust”. A leading Muslim leader recently said that the Holocaust was being used by Israel to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, which is “just as ugly as the Holocaust”. Jewish leaders…

Guess they’ll just have to kill more Arabs

The two-state solution is dead. “Left-wing” Israeli leader Haim Oron, chairman of the Meretz party, says: The two-state solution is on its last legs. That is why this election is so important. If we do not quickly implement the partition into two states, that solution will evaporate and Zionism will be stuck its worst crisis…

And we are growing in strength

Antony Lerman, The Guardian, February 6: Each and every Jew who protested as a Jew against the Gaza war had a personal Jewish imperative for doing so. Some simply expressed dismay; most demanded action to end the carnage. To say that we failed is neither an expression of despair nor a statement that dissent wasn’t…

Not so fast

The United Nations has backed down from a claim that a UN run school in Gaza was hit during an Israeli mortar attack last month. Forty-three people were reportedly killed in the attack. But a clarification issued by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs says the shelling and all the casualties happened…

Act like little school children

Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News journalist Tim Marshall praises the Tamil community for being good little protesters in London but those damn Palestinian supporters need to really understand that civility is the appropriate response in the face of Israeli aggression: The weekend’s demonstration by Britain’s Tamil population showed us how a demonstration in the UK should…

Stop and listen now

Akiva Eldar is one of Israel’s finest commentators and writes for the Haaretz newspaper. He was interviewed on last night’s ABC TV Lateline about Israel’s upcoming elections and the country’s move to the far-right. His conclusions when asked his thoughts about the future? I’m afraid that the next Israeli Government will be under much greater…

Israel faces kangaroo court

Following my article in last Friday’s Australian Financial Review on Israeli war crimes in Gaza (and the Zionist lobby’s response on Tuesday), today’s paper publishes a piece by Robert Goot AM SC, a Sydney barrister and President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry: Before pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, it is customary…

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