Death matters much

Robert Fisk asks: When did we stop caring about civilian deaths during wartime? He writes: I wonder if we are “normalising” war. It’s not just that Israel has yet again got away with the killing of hundreds of children in Gaza. And after its own foreign minister said that Israel’s army had been allowed to…

Israel rightly feels the cold

Below is a full-page statement – “Irish Call for Justice for Palestine” – which appeared in the Irish Times (31st January) on p.5, replete with ca. 300 signatures. The demands include a call for a boycott of Israeli goods and services. The signatories include 5 MEPs (from Proinsias de Rossa to Marian Harkin),…  many TDs…

When will reality hit?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan tells the Washington Post, in a sign that even once friendly allies of the Jewish state are losing patience with its criminality, that its time to enter the league of civilised nations: Hamas is not an arm of Iran. Hamas entered the elections as a political party. If the…

Saying no to outright bigotry

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull on why any form of anti-Semitism cannot be allowed to seep into the pro-Palestinian campaign. It should be loudly condemned if it ever does.

Imam Husain Islamic Centre talk on Israel/Palestine

I spoke last night to a packed room of around 170 people at Sydney’s Imam Husain Islamic Centre (all photos here): I was honoured to engage with a large Muslim audience (as I was told that the idea of a Jew speaking to such a group happened rarely, if ever, due to the fear of…

Struggle for the future

Zaki Chehab, Arab journalist and author of a seminal book on Hamas, surveys the recent war in Gaza: Walk anywhere in Gaza and the impression one gets is that the Hamas government is still a force to be reckoned with. It shows no signs of losing its grip on this tiny 25-mile by 6-mile strip…

Israel must pay for crimes

My following article appears in the Australian Financial Review today: Israel’s war against Gaza has left the blockaded strip in ruins. The president of the French section of Medecins Sans Frontieres, Marie-Pierre Allie, wrote recently that her organisation had “been present during armed conflicts for nearly four decades” but “it is difficult to recall a…

But where are the actions?

Ari Shavit, Haaretz, January 29: At its core, the Israeli majority is what it was before: realistic and pragmatic. It recognizes that the occupation is futile, but is looking for a safe way to end it. It recognizes that the Greater Israel vision is finished, but fears having a Hamas state on the outskirts of…

Isolating the Israelis

During the current Davos economic forum, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had enough of Israeli President Peres’ lies and walked off the stage saying he will never come back. Peres tried to claim the people in Gaza were not living under humanitarian stress. There is only way to deal with such people; shun them:…

A new dawn will leave some behind

Israel can commit war crimes because it’s Israel. That’s essentially the message from Harvard Law Professor and Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz. His upcoming book is titled, “The Case Against Israel’s Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand In The Way of Peace.” Try not to laugh, though I know it’s hard. Former US President…

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