One state solution in Palestine is coming…one day

This is today’s Israel, as explained by Noam Sheizaf in +972: For some reason, people find it hard to accept that the current situation is desirable for Israelis. It certainly isn’t optimal, but considering the alternatives, it is probably the best. It’s enough to come on a week’s visit to Israel to understand the appeal…

What being “pro-Israel” can mean

Via the Guardian: The owner of a Jewish newspaper in Atlanta has said he deeply regrets writing a column suggesting that Israel consider “a hit” on… Barack Obama… if he stands in the way of the Jewish state defending itself. Andrew Adler told the Guardian he wrote the column in the weeklyAtlanta Jewish Times… “to get a reaction”…

When former IDF prison guards even realise Zionist apartheid is here

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg is a little worried that his beloved Jewish state has an apartheid problem: I think we’re only a few years away, at most, from a total South-Africanization of this issue. And if Israelis believe that the vast majority of American Jews — their most important supporters in the entire world —…

Don’t be surprised that Islamophobes see Zionism as friend

The mainstream normalisation of anti-Muslim hatred is finding friends in the most predictable of places; Israel. This is something discussed in the new e-book On Utoya. This piece in Israeli paper Haaretz offers a worrying new development: Marine Le Pen hit the jackpot. She invited about 100 diplomats to a luncheon last week during a…

Australian Zionist lobby playbook part 98733

Take some clueless politicians. Show them an Israel that supports colonisation and racism against Arabs as mainstream. Allow them to speak to Israeli-approved Palestinians for a few minutes. Offer propaganda and receive lashings of lies in return. Mix, conduct such “tours” regularly and guarantee continued pro-Israel sentiment in the Australian parliament: Five Labor members of…

Chomsky on Palestinian unpeople

Noam Chomsky made the following comments earlier this week at Barnard College in New York City: Israeli Jews are people. Palestinians are unpeople. And a lot follows from that as clear illustrations constantly. So, here’s a clipping, if I remembered to bring it, from the New York Times. Front-page story, Wednesday, October 12th, the lead…

The troubles with Hamas in Gaza

The Islamist political party is struggling to maintain power and influence in the blockaded Strip, according to Time magazine. In so many ways, the Arab Spring needs to arrive in Palestine: When the islamist movement known as Hamas first took control of Gaza in 2006, the family of Ahmed Ayyash, a third-year engineering student at…

The desperate plea for Israel to hang onto land forever

It seems I’ve upset a man who rather likes Zionist occupation and dislikes my recent ABC piece on the UN Palestine bid and BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] against Israel. In this week’s conservative Spectator magazine, a column by Rowan Dean, headlined, “Three words you’ll never hear from Loewenstein and his BDS pals”, rehashes every…

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