Zionist morality must be on holiday

Time magazine reporter Tim McGirk writes for the magazine’s website with startling honesty about his experiences in Gaza: There’s something about phosphorus, the way it smoulders and burns for days, that makes it looks as though the Devil had walked by, leaving fiery footprints in the earth. I saw phosphorus today in a bombed out…

War crimes? What war crimes?

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been deeply weakened by his complicity with Israel and the Americans over the last years. The result for his people? Nothing. But his comments on Tuesday – probably as a way to defend himself from siding with Israel over his fellow Palestinians, Hamas – were necessarily strong: We will do…

Possible friends dropping like flies

While Gerry Adams, the former Irish “terrorist”, calls for engagement with Hamas, many Arab bloggers have started a campaign to cease using the word “Israel” and instead refer to the Jewish state as “Israhell“.

Respecting life would be a good start

Human rights were violated on both sides of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Chief John Holmes blasted Hamas Tuesday for its “cynical” use of civilian facilities during recent hostilities in the Gaza Strip. “The reckless and cynical use of civilian installations by Hamas and indiscriminate firing of rockets against…

Welcome to your friendly, bigoted state

Just some harmless, racist fun by Israeli soldiers in Gaza: Residents of the Zeitun neighborhood who returned to their homes once the fighting in the region was over discovered that their walls had been marked with slogans such as “Die you all,” Make war not peace,” “Death to Arabs,” “Arabs must die,” and “One down,…

It will happen, eventually

Robert Baer, a former top Central Intelligence Agency operative, offers some advice to the hapless Israelis and Americans: Hamas is an idea. Hamas is not an organisation. Hamas is an idea, and unless the Israelis go in and force 1.5 million people into Egypt, they will never subdue Gaza. They can go in and they…

Anti-Semitic remarks stop Palestine conference

The following article, by Josephine Tovey, appears today in the Sydney Morning Herald online: A conference on justice for Palestine due to be held tomorrow at State Parliament has been called off after several high-profile speakers withdrew from the event, citing revelations the convener had made anti-Semitic remarks. Maqsood Alshams, who had organised the conference…

Get ready for some predictable terrorism

Government efforts to prevent the radicalisation of British Muslims have been set back by Israel’s assault on Gaza, the security and counter-terrorism minister, Lord West of Spithead, announced yesterday. In an outspoken assessment of the terror risk facing Britain, Gordon Brown’s security adviser was scathing about the assertion, made by Tony Blair when prime minister,…

Gaza: where to from here?

My latest column for New Matilda is about the likely future for Gaza and the conflict: Now that the shelling is (mostly) over, it’s clear that Israel has achieved the exact opposite of its objectives in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein Palestinians are slowly emerging from the rubble of their lives in Gaza. Credible stories have…

Are they all that different?

I wonder why: The operation in Gaza put an end to the European taboo on equating Jews to Nazis. That message was one of the conclusions of the first international panel discussion on anti-Semitism following the Gaza invasion, which was held in Jerusalem Monday on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Speaking at the…

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