And some take a stand against Zionist bigotry

If a journalist in America dares criticise Israeli actions or accuses the Jewish state of criminal force, expect the Zionist lobby to accuse that person of anti-Semitism, hatred and a host of other terms. Thankfully some, like Bill Moyers, simply refuse to be intimidated.

The Palestinians will never accept this “message”

Ilan Pappe, London Review of Books, January 14: Israel justifies its conduct in Gaza as a part of the fight against terrorism, although it has itself violated every international law of war. Palestinians, it seems, can have no place inside historical Palestine unless they are willing to live without basic civil and human rights. They…

A space for quiet reflection

Many Palestinians are calling the current conflict a “war of extermination“. Israeli voices of dissent are far and few between (though thankfully some journalists accused the Israeli Foreign Minister in Washington today of her country hosting “terrorists”). A few rays of light exist in the Jewish state, away from the racism that permeates daily life.…

Stop the war in Gaza protest

Speakers include: * John Pilger, renowned author and documentary film maker * Antony Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question * Greens MP Sylvia Hale * Dr Ghassan Achi * Hamdi Alqudsi, Palestinian activist * Rihab Charida, Palestinian activist

Israeli spin and its failings

Below are some of the more interesting Gaza-related pieces online over the last days: – Ezra Klein, associate editor at The American Prospect, explains that being ‘pro-Israel’ means more than simply mouthing Israeli press releases. Yet another prominent young Jewish American speaks out against Israeli brutality. – The Economist: “Despite devoting unparalleled attention to the…

Jews as terrorists

Sir Gerald Kaufman, the veteran Labour MP, compared this week the actions of Israeli troops in Gaza to the Nazis who forced his family to flee Poland:

Peace will only come thanks to us

Natan Sharansky, a former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and inspiration for George W. Bush’s “freedom agenda”, writes: Peace can be found only when Palestinians are given the freedom to build real civic institutions, and a leadership can emerge unafraid of telling its own citizens that violence, fanaticism and martyrdom aren’t the Palestinian way. But this…

It’s not always about Tehran

Trita Parsi, one of the finest writers on Iran’s relationship with America, counters Zionist propaganda that blames Iran for being the secret hand behind the behaviour of Hamas: In talking about the assault on Gaza, neo-conservative pundits and Israeli hardliners have relied on a familiar frame. The fighting in Gaza, they say, is a struggle…

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