The cards are shifting (and Israel missed the press release)

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 4: Hamas, as it turns out, has a single definition for victory. Like Hezbollah, Hamas knows that a few hundred rockets will not crush Israel, but rather serve as critically-needed leverage to establish its presence as a prominent and active decision-making force in the inter-Palestinian arena. This goes beyond Hamas’ standing…

Rare voice of local reason

The Australian Greens released the following necessary statement yesterday: Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown has called on acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard to add Australia’s weight to calls on Israel to end the gross and disproportionate violence and bombing of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. “We call on the acting Prime Minister to speak out…

Opening the gates of deprivation

GIsha, Legal Centre for Freedom of Movement, reports on January 4: Gaza Electricity, Water and Sewage Systems on Verge of Collapse …·… … … … … … …  7 of 12 power lines damaged à 75% of Gaza’s electricity cut off. …·… … … … … … …  Gaza City, including Shifa Hospital, entirely without electricity. …·… … … … … … …  Over half a million residents cut off from water supply.…

How not to fight war

A noble call from Human Rights Watch, but one completely ignored by Israel’s occupying forces and Hamas fighters: As an Israeli ground offensive in Gaza gets underway, both Israeli and Palestinian forces must address heightened civilian protection concerns because of likely combat in densely populated urban areas, Human Rights Watch said today. Both sides must…

The utterly unobtainable goal

On Saturday night, one week after the start of Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip, the ground operation began. The Israel Defense Forces started deploying combat units to surround Hamas’ main power base. The goal is not to chase after and destroy every last rocket launcher, but rather to break the Hamas’ resistance and…

Perhaps they should knock next time

Israel is using Google’s Gmail to try and recruit collaborators in the Gaza Strip. The following is the text of a leaflet dropped by Israel into Gaza: To the residents of the Gaza Strip, Take responsibility for your fate! If you wish to provide help and assistance to your people in the sector, call the…

And anti-Semitism is created

How global Zionist propaganda attempts to convince governments and citizens that the brutal occupier is actually the victim in the Israel/Palestine conflict. And Holocaust guilt hangs over this sorry affair like a bad smell.

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