Just try and stop them

Viva online freedom: Thousands of people are taking part in “virtual protests” against countries accused of censoring the internet. For its first Online Free Expression Day, media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has created virtual versions of nine public spaces. These areas where protests are not normally possible include Beijing’s Tiananmen Square and Kim Il-Sung…

The censorship danger

First a judge temporarily blocked the Wikileaks website, and now a craven hosting company does this: A new web service that lets users rate and comment on the uniformed police officers in their community is scrambling to restore service Tuesday, after hosting company GoDaddy unceremonious pulled-the-plug on the site in the wake of outrage from…

Blogging can wait

So much for an American obsession with new technology: Few Americans regularly read political blogs that cover U.S. candidates and issues, a poll revealed. A Harris Interactive poll found 56 percent of Americans say they never read political blogs. Fewer than a quarter of respondents said they read blogs several times a year, while 22…

The web “threat”

A great blog by American human rights lawyer Jonathan Turley is well worth a read. Two recent highlights: – YouTube has again attracted controversy by pulling a video. This time it has removed the video of Marine David Motari throwing a puppy off a cliff as shown below in a different link. The company appears…

Online users beware

A new analysis of online consumer data shows that large Web companies are learning more about people than ever from what they search for and do on the Internet, gathering clues about the tastes and preferences of a typical user several hundred times a month.

The right to say whatever

Recently we discovered that leading investigative website Wikileaks was deemed too controversial by a Californian judge and made temporarily unavailable (though not any more.) Now, another case that challenges the idea of free speech online. A reader explains: sott.net is one of my favourite alternative news sites, and some sleazy sex cult guy is suing…

Censorship at the source

Welcome to the internet future in the Middle East and North Africa: In addition to blocking blogs and arresting bloggers, a new form of censorship has started to emerge in the Middle East and North Africa: blog-hosting services removing blogs from their servers. Arab bloggers complain that the major blog-hosting services, Maktoob Blog and Jeeran…

Just another reliable US ally

Imprisoned Saudi blogger and democracy activist Fouad Al Farhan – an inspiring person with whom I spent time in his country last year – has been allowed to make contact with the outside world. Saudi Jeans explains: Detained Saudi blogger Fouad al-Farhan has been allowed to make a phone call to his wife yesterday, FreeFouad.com…

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