Jewish impediment to peace, part 5673

Prof. Mordechai Kedar of the Arab Studies Department in Bar-Ilan University argues on al-Jazeera that Jerusalem will always remain the undivided capital of the Jewish state and Israel’s occupation of the West Bank isn’t actually an occupation at all. These are the voices, too rarely heard in the West, that have made a two-state solution…

The “national suicide” myth

George Bisharat, Los Angeles Times, June 9: Anew buzzword is arising from the network of Israeli think tanks and security-oriented academic departments bent on instigating a U.S. attack on Iran: “national suicide.” The term describes a supposed Arab Muslim tradition of politically motivated suicide at the national, not just individual, level. Arab Muslim regimes have…

Joining together for hatred

Jewish Zionism and Christian Zionism is an intriguing alliance of deluded souls who both equally detest the Arabs and Islam. This relationship will end in the most spectacular fashion imaginable. A public and bitter divorce like no other. It will be fun to watch.

Author calls for economic sanctions against Israel

The following article appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News (AJN): Speaking to a crowd of almost 200 people at Gleebooks in Glebe recently, outspoken Israel critic Antony Loewenstein spoke with Palestinian-American author Ali Abunimah about his perceived need for a shift in understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the necessity of moving towards a…

The opposite of Bush?

Joshua Landis, founder of Syria Comment blog, tells the American Conservative what hardline Zionists are currently fretting about: The anxiety on the part of the Jewish Right is that Obama is the Manchurian candidate, that he has secret sympathy with Muslims, and the whole war of terror which relies on demonizing Islam isn’t going to…

How not to find the bad guys

The Australian Federal Police today announced that they have spent $8.2 million on the fruitless investigation into “terror” suspect Mohamed Haneef. Yet another debacle in the never-ending “war on terror.” Not unlike this alarming case in the UK: A masters student researching terrorist tactics who was arrested and detained for six days after his university…

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