Never going home

According to Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor for Guantánamo’s military commissions, the process has been manipulated by Administration appointees in an attempt to foreclose the possibility of acquittal. Welcome to American justice, Bush administration style.

Blogging for freedom (and torture)

The democratisation of media continues apace: Since CNN embraced the citizen journalist movement in August 2006 with the launch of its iReport initiative, the news organization has received nearly 100,000 news-related photos and videos from viewers. Yet fewer than 10% of those submissions have appeared on or the cable channel. That’s all about to…

Talking to the “enemy”

The Western conundrum over Islamism: “So, you spoke to the leaders of Hezbollah?” “Yes” “And you also speak with the leaders of Hamas?” “Yes” “And they told you that they support democracy?” “Yes” “And you believe them?” With this the leader of a Washington think-tank smiled satisfied to her audience and sat down. Clearly the…

Our good friends in Afghanistan

“We” never deal with terrorists, of course: Britain planned to build a Taliban training camp for 2,000 fighters in southern Afghanistan, as part of a top-secret deal to make them swap sides, intelligence sources in Kabul have revealed. The plans were discovered on a memory stick seized by Afghan secret police in December.

A close and dear Western friend

The Angry Arab and an exclusive: A Saudi scandal…in London. One of the divorcees of King `Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Princess Al-`Unud Al-Fayiz, fled Saudi Arabia to London. She was willing to speak about her bitter experience, and an Arab journalist taped hours of interviews with her, to publish as her memoirs. The princess feared…

Rupert embraces the inner terrorist in us all

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian website,, conducts an “investigative report” into “the hidden war on Australia” – the stories are titled “online jihad” – and discovers these startling facts: A special investigation by infiltrating these global networks has identified jihadi references to the “embarrassing collapse” of the Howard government and cites Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s…

Let them dress freely

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan explaining why it is a positive development that the country’s ban on women wearing headscarves at universities has been lifted: “What do they say — only citizens without head scarves can be secular? They are making a mistake falling into such segregation. This is a society of those, with…

Jews for forced removal

While the international community continues to try and ignore the reality of Hamas in Gaza – now suggesting that Fatah should control the border between Gaza and Egypt – one of Israel’s leading Rabbis calls for ethnic cleansing: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger has been quoted as calling for Gazans to be transferred to the…

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