Palestinians heard backing BDS in Marrickville

With all the talk about Marrickville council embracing BDS in Sydney, Palestinian voices have been largely absent. Like in so many debates about the Middle East in the West, all we hear are Zionists and Zionists. Well, let’s change that right now. Here’s Australians for Palestine public advocate Samah Sabawi and the group’s founder Sonja…

Aussie Zio bullies want no debate about Palestine here

The Australian Jewish News write these stories like Israel is about to destroyed by the mere mention of Palestinian rights. Insecure much? The leader of the Government in the Senate, Chris Evans, has denied that he refused to condemn an anti-Israel boycott this week. Senator Mitch Fifield accused Evans of failing to speak out against…

Australia’s Zionist lobby worried BDS may be catching

The ongoing controversy over Sydney’s Marrickville council backing BDS against Israel is getting the political and media establishment and Zionist lobby worried. So what to do? Find a compliant Federal politician who loves Israel to death and will do anything to defend Zionist occupation. Victorian Liberal Mitch Fifield is your man. He’s been on trips…

Israel is “an island of stability”

Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak tells a Jewish audience in the US that Zionism is peachy, occupation is lovely (oh, apart from this and this, of course, but he must have mentioned this when the recorders were off) and the Jewish state should be given even more Western backing. Who believes this nonsense (apart from…

Mainstreaming hatred of Muslims, thanks to Rupert

Are there limits to damning Muslims? Not according to the Murdoch empire. Melbourne’s Herald Sun editor Alan Howe has spent the last years finding new ways to demonise the Muslim religion. We can expect an upcoming column to advocate rounding up all Muslims and putting them on outback farms. His latest, a letter to former…

Bibi spins on CNN while Gaza continues to burn

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to CNN and lies by saying his country lifted all the restrictions on Gaza (truth here) and the left is now working with radical Islamists to bring down the Zionist state. Ah, Bibi, I’m sure the Zionist lobby still loves you but nobody else accepts your delusions and occupying…

Australian Greens candidate faces abuse and lies over backing Israel sanction

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Soon after Sydney’s Marrickville council announced in December to embrace boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to force the Jewish state to abide by international law”‰—”‰…  Greens and Labor councillors supported the move”‰—”‰federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese entered the debate. In a news story in…

How to face “incitement” allegation in Israel

Beyond parody (but such is the reality in modern Israel). Via The Only Democracy in the Middle East: Sara Benninga, whose speech I reposted here on the blog, was interrogated by the police after speaking at the JStreet conference I attended. She provided one of the voices for a new direction for Jewish and Israeli…

Only one kind of Zionism allowed

The face of “moderate” Zionist party Kadima, instituting a Knesset investigation into the role of US Israel lobbyists J Street (a conservative group that believes in a two-state solution, opposes BDS etc). Israel is increasingly a state that refuses to accept any dissent. There’s a word for that (hint: fascism): Here’s MK Otniel Schneller (Kadima):…

What is Israel selling internationally? Intel and occupation

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on Israel’s largely gutless diplomatic core. He could have equally damned the Zionist lobby globally, a bunch of (mainly) men simply repeating Israeli talking points. Occupation? What occupation? Look over there, rabid anti-Zionists, that’ll change the subject: Our diplomatic corps today is comprised primarily of spineless propagandists void of values or…

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