Avnery: Israel is on wrong side of history

Uri Avnery in a powerful column about the Zionist state walking off a cliff with its eyes open: Israel is dominated by the settlers, who resemble in spirit the Crusaders of the 12th century. Fundamentalist religious parties, not much different from their Iranian counterparts, play a major role in our state. The political and economic…

Woman from Gaza confronts Zionist enforcer of status quo

For those of us in the pro-Palestinian and pro-justice community who recognise and call Israeli crimes for what they are, we must acknowledge we have a long way to go in the US: Americans’ views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict held fairly steady over the past year, with a near record-high 63% continuing to say their…

Israel drives itself off a cliff and the Zionist lobby mumbles to itself

As the 2nd J Street conference finishes in Washington – where, despite the group’s conservatism, they were at least willing to engage in debate over BDS – the American Zionist community seem confused that many Jews at the event wanted justice for the Palestinians. This doesn’t make you a Jew-hater, by the way. Sigh: The…

Ongoing importance of separating Zionism and Judaism

The following interview by Sam Whiteley appears in today’s West Australian: Freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein is no stranger to controversy. “The silence is over,” says Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question which generated a swell of public debate and was shortlisted for the 2007 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish…

Memo to Washington; Israel will bring your downfall

Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst at Al Jazeera English and host and editor of the television program Empire, talks to Democracy Now! about the desperate need for America to see the world in a way other than through a Zionist frame: Everyone was caught in the headlights—What is going on? Who are these people?—not realizing…

Zionist lobbyist wants us to believe Suleiman could reform

Seriously, when Israel lobbyist Martin Indyk – who loves to preach to Arabs that America cares deeply about democracy, as long as Zionism is helped along the way – says things like this, in today’s New York Times, you have to wonder why he continues being quoted: “The administration had been looking toward Suleiman to…

Republicans find new ways to make love to Zionism

Just who is in charge of American politics? Don’t tell me that Zionist lobby money has nothing to do with any of this: Aspiring politicians in New York once made a point of visiting the three I’s: Italy, Ireland and Israel. For the GOP’s presidential prospects in 2012, it’s all about one: Israel. A stop…

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