Not all Jews want to embrace Arab dictators

Jewish Voice for Peace, a US-based group, is starting to be heard in a big way. The New York Times covers them below. Furthermore, note the contrast to mainstream Zionist groups, backing repression because it supposedly benefits Israel. That really helps the brand, people: Hundreds of people, mostly Arab-Americans, are expected to gather Saturday in…

Jews don’t have a monopoly on victimhood?

Reading some in the Israeli press, you would think the Egyptian uprisings are all about Israel and maintaining its fiction of “democracy” in the Middle East. In other words, democracy for Jews but hell for Arabs. Bradley Burston in Haaretz outlines the well-worn Zionist lines (repeated ad nauseum by the Zionist lobby and many Jews…

The only language the lobby knows is from the Israeli government

The recent decision by the NSW Greens to embrace BDS against Israeli apartheid has brought out predictably hyperbolic Zionist lobby rantings. Here’s Yair Miller, president of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, rehashing familiar talking points about Israeli democracy, working together with Palestinians and hugging away the occupation. Because that’s worked so well in the…

Cutting US aid to Israel? Say it ain’t so!

Even the suggestion gets the “moderate” and “mainstream” Zionist lobbies up in arms. Just remind me why America backs a nation in the Middle East that occupies another people and works closely with brutal dictatorships Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt? U.S. Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slammed on Thursday comments made by newly elected Republican Senator…

But, sputters Israel defender, we’re a lovely and free nation

How many Zionist lobbyists does it take to defend apartheid? Don’t answer that (hint: one). The ongoing saga of Sydney council Marrackville supporting BDS is slammed by defender of the occupation Anthony Orkin. What’s funny reading this delusion is how it could have been written decades ago. Occupation doesn’t exist. Israel’s growing descent into fascism…

Ashrawi refuses to let go of two-state equation

I’ve written for years about Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi, especially after her awarding in 2003 of the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist lobby were apoplectic, showing their usual humanity towards Arabs. Suffice to say, Ashrawi received the award but many people finally realised the kind of Jews who run the Zionist establishment; bullies who fear…

Because Israel can really speak credibly about accepting Palestinians

So it’s battle of the belligerent? Neither side here – Israel nor the Palestinian Authority – have much credibility with peace, understanding or recognition. If the Zionist lobby is pleased now, let’s not forget they completely ignored the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in previous ads of their own. Sigh: The Board of…

Just one more way the US political elite backs Israel’s move towards one-state

And not a peep from the Zionist Diaspora about ever-expanding expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem: Irving Moskowitz, the retired Florida businessman who is developing a controversial Jewish apartment project at East Jerusalem’s Shepherd Hotel, is a top campaign contributor to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), the new GOP chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, campaign…

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