The corrupting influence of Jewish money

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Just as the benefit to Israel of the belligerent and heavy-handed U.S. Jewish lobby is quite dubious – to the extent that for a long time it has seemed it would be better for Israel if it disappeared altogether – so, too, we must now question the Jewish money flowing to…

Australian Jewish group warms to BDS step by step

A statement from the left Zionist group Australian Jewish Democratic Society. Good to see they’re standing firm in the face of Zionist lobby pressure. Shame that they only see the importance of BDS regarding the occupied territories and not much deeper against the infrastructure of occupation (alive and well in Israel proper). But it’s a…

Better Tweeting ain’t gonna solve Israel’s massive image problem

This is as tragic as comical. When will the Zionist lobby realise that more “effective” PR isn’t the answer to their problems? Until Israel changes its behaviour, the label “apartheid state” will be an understatement: An Australian plan to spread good news about Israel via social media will be presented at an upcoming international Jewish…

The wisdom of Jews utilising BDS

While increasing number of groups globally embrace the BDS agenda – a non-violent way to pressure Israel to abandon apartheid or pay a deep price – the Australian Zionist lobby is fearful: Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) President John Searle has strongly denounced The Australian Jewish Democratic Society’s (AJDS) recent decision that some boycotts…

Time for an honest accounting of the Israel lobby and the ALP

While the Zionist establishment in Australia has no real concerns over Saturday’s election win – both major sides love Israel to death – the mainstream media only occasionally reveals the workings of the Zionist lobby (and almost in passing): The controversial property career of Julia Gillard’s partner, Tim Mathieson, is in serious doubt as the…

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