What we have lost without Tony Judt

Phil Weiss at Mondoweiss pens an appropriately moving obituary for Tony Judt and his massive contribution to the American understanding of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Judt refused to subscribe to Zionist loyalty simply because he was Jewish. He provoked, advocated a one-state solution, challenged the Israel lobby and displayed the finest qualities of Judaism. We only…

Complete Labor MP Julia Irwin’s views on the Middle East

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about departing ALP MP Julia Irwin speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine – check the comments on the original piece that shows the massive interest in these rare statements – please find below the complete transcript of the interview with Irwin: ALP Policy: While some of my former colleagues may disagree,…

Will non-racist Jews please stand up?

What will it take for the “leaders” of the American Zionist lobby to be called on their casual racism towards Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims? The ADL’s Abe Foxman, who rejects the Islamic centre in the heart of New York, is the face of Zionist bigotry.

Jews love to accuse people of anti-Semitism (makes them feel good)

Too many Jews are too quick to accuse people of anti-Semitism for simply discussing Israel, occupation or Jewish power. Oliver Stone was recently accused by the Zionist lobby of anti-Semitism for talking about the lobby and Israel’s awful effect on US foreign policy. It wasn’t anti-Semitism but the usual suspects started bleating. Crying wolf is…

Radio New Zealand Media Watch interview on Middle East reporting

The issue of media bias in Middle East reporting is something that obsesses the Zionist lobby. Hearing any Palestinians is a problem. This edition of Radio New Zealand’s Media Watch, featuring my interview on the subject, examines the ways in which this area is hotly debated and why more reporters should be based in the…

The Greens may like the Palestinians just a little too much

The Australian Zionist lobby AIJAC are worried that the Greens, likely to poll very well in the upcoming election, aren’t sufficiently pro-Israel. Opposing the West Bank settlements is supposedly a bridge too far for Zionists who talk about a “two-state solution” but in reality believe in ongoing colonisation.

Don’t even think about bombing Iran after Wikileaks release

Another angle of the Wikileaks information dump is the way in which it may be used to justify military action against Tehran. Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch explains and refutes that bogus comparison (neo-cons and the Zionist lobby, are you listening?) Most of the response to the WikiLeaks Afghanistan document release thus far has focused on…

A day at Revolution Books

Yesterday’s event at New York’s Revolution Books alongside writer and author Michael Otterman – interviewed today about Iraqi casualties on NPR – was a unique opportunity to discuss Palestine and Iraq. We talked about the hidden civilian trauma, power of the US to wage war with little social cost inside the country, the power of…

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