Australian Zionist head wants West Bank settlements to thrive

So this is how it is. A senior Jewish leader in Australia defending the illegal colonies in the West Bank. For shame: The elected leader of Australian Jewry blasted his Christian counterpart over an “ill-considered” resolution asking churches to boycott goods produced by West Bank Jews. Executive Council of Australian Jewry President Robert Goot, in…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

Tell us how Israel really helps the US

Chas Freeman was defeated by the Zionist lobby last year after the Obama administration tried to install him as chair of the National Intelligence Council. He wasn’t sufficiently pro-Israel, so they said. He’s given a speech this week at the Nixon Centre that continues the ongoing public debate about what Israel really offers Washington: It’s…

How to show dedication to Israel the “liberal” way

New neo-con group Emergency Committee for Israel recently produced a TV ad slamming the supposedly suspect politician Joe Sestak. Now, more liberal Zionist lobby J Street has released a counter attack that shows how much Sestak in fact loves Israel. Seriously, if this is the way to move the debate forward in the US, we’re…

Don’t touch anything Palestinian, it’s toxic

Any company that dares work for a pro-Palestinian cause is being targeted by the Zionist lobby (nobody is safe): A U.S. public relations firm said it will not renew its contract with a pro-Palestinian group that helped to organize the flotilla that aimed to breach Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. The announcement from Fenton…

How do you smoothly sell occupation and a blockade?

Israel’s leading spokesman Mark Regev spends his days defending Israeli government policy. Just like the Zionist spokespeople who occupy our media space. Israel has a siege on Gaza. Israel slightly lifts the siege on Gaza. A new position will be defended as quickly as the old one. Credibility isn’t exactly likely to follow. So how…

The US Israel lobby assist in the colonisation process

Just in case readers weren’t clear on the relationship between the American Zionist lobby and the West Bank occupation (thanks to an Israeli journalist for explaining): The West Bank construction freeze of all things should not be a problem: Firstly, because there was really never a full freeze, even for a moment. Secondly, because it’s…

Helpful hints for American reporters (Israel=bad, Arabs=bad)

Following the firing of a CNN journalist for daring to praise the recently deceased Lebanese religious leader Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, it’s clear that American corporate television allows anti-Arab statements to run 24/7, but dare say something that may upset the Zionist lobby or Israel, and you’ll be gone. Here’s (former AIPAC employee) CNN’s Wolf…

America shows its card and Israel likes the deck

The supposedly anticipated meeting between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu was a nice piece of theatre. Everybody said nice things about the other and the prospect of peace was on the cards. As if. What we’re left with in the liberal Zionist community in the US are campaigns like this:

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