Only one Zionist view is acceptable, says Israeli spokesman

Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, on Israel lobby group J Street: …A unique problem in that it not only opposes one policy of one Israeli government, it opposes all policies of all Israeli governments. It’s significantly out of the mainstream…This is not a matter of settlements here [or] there. We understand there…

Haaretz says American officials face ‘pro-Israel’ background check

This Haaretz story is the kind of tale that would rarely if ever appear in the Western press: Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community. In the case of Obama’s government in particular, every criticism against Israel made by a potential government appointee has become…

Even J Street realises the window is closing

The position of J Street has often been awfully weak in the face of Israeli extremism. The group’s latest statement is a little tougher and necessarily so: J Street is deeply concerned about increasing tension in Jerusalem and provocative actions being taken by the Israeli government and settler groups there that threaten prospects for agreement…

Palestinian farmers don’t care about meaningless gestures

Israel calls a partial settlement halt – rightly rejected by the Palestinians and only partially praised by J Street, both certainly not helped by the fact that East Jerusalem is excluded from the announcement – and apartheid continues: The human rights organization Yesh Din says not one of the 69 complaints filed during the past…

BDS is the new anti-Semitism

The issue of targeted boycotts against Israel are growing by the day (see here and here). Muzzlewatch documents just the latest sign of panic within the Zionist establishment in the US. No answer to Zionist expansion and racist policies in Israel? Not to worry, just retreat into a bubble and hope the occupation magically disappears…

Liberal, Zionism prevarication allows occupation to continue

Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV), which I co-founded in early 2007, continues to hum along and we have many plans for 2010. A few weeks ago in the Australian Jewish News one-time journalist Michael Visontay – who has form in hand-wringing matters, sometimes feeling terribly pained about something or other in Israel but remaining utterly…

Australian Zionist figure repeats anti J Street propaganda

Dr Ron Weiser, immediate past president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, has written before about the supposed threat J Street poses to Zionist aggression. Here’s his latest gem, again on J Street and his seeming inability to understand why growing numbers of young American Jews are questioning Israel (it’s called decades of occupation and…

I love Israel so much, says US anti-Semitism fighter

Here’s a fun job to have. Hannah Rosenthal, former head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, started this week as the State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. Oh joy. Tablet Magazine asks her to respond to critics (and note how many times she has to say she loves Israel, just to…

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