Zionist lobby in the UK? Perish the thought

Britain’s Channel 4 documentary on the Zionist lobby there faces the inevitable smears from groups that have a lot to hide (and prefer to operate through intimidation): Labor MP Denis MacShane, who chaired the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism and is the author of Globalizing Hatred: the New Anti-Semitism, questioned the existence of such a…

Britain’s Channel 4 looks into the reach of the Zionist lobby

Can you imagine a leading current affairs program in the US or Australia investigating the tentacles of the Zionist lobby? Hardly: Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half…

Zionism doesn’t learn that shooting the messenger only leads to isolation

Israel, you are desperate and pathetic. Human rights isn’t an option, it’s a necessity if you want to be respected: America’s leading human rights organisation has accused Israel and its supporters of an “organised campaign” of false allegations and misinformation, including “extremely personal attacks” on its staff, in an attempt to discredit the group over…

Is Washington’s peace process over?

My latest New Matilda column is about the failure of the two-state solution: With hopes for a two-state solution waning, the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas is prompting new calls for a one-state solution, writes Antony Loewenstein The decision of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and not stand in proposed January elections is a blessing…

J Street broadens public debate on Israel

My following article is published today in Online Opinion: Distinguished South African judge Richard Goldstone wrote the UN report on Israel’s December/January war against the Gazan people. It detailed war crimes by both Israel and Hamas and demanded both entities fully investigate the serious charges of targeting civilians and infrastructure. “Pro-Israel and pro-peace” lobby J…

Jews coming together on refugees and conflict

The following email was just sent to the list of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, After a brutal civil war that massacred tens of thousands in Sri Lanka, many Tamils are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia and beyond. We have not only a moral responsibility to listen to their pleas as refugees,…

Toronto is the avoidance model from Jerusalem

The recent controversy over the Toronto Film Festival attempting to white-wash Israeli crimes in Palestine appears to be a plan cooked up by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Rule number one: whenever the occupation is mentioned, change the subject. Or better still, deny the occupation even exists: Imagine this dilemma: You’re Israel’s highest-ranking public relations expert.…

When Jewish poets are far more honest than our leaders

The ability of Jews to speak freely about the Middle East is hardly guaranteed. Even poets were cancelled from the recent J Street conference for daring to be critical. One of those poets, Kevin Coval, writes: Since the second Palestinian intifada I have thought, written and spoken about these issues, but over the course of…

Be careful what you say about Israel, terrible critics

Israel lobby J Street has been attacked by the Left and the Right. Here’s Roberta Seid from hardline Zionist group StandWithUs – some background on its tactics here – explaining that it’s acceptable to criticise Israel but in reality any criticism is clearly aimed at weakening Israel: Of course criticizing Israeli policy is not inherently…

Jews believe Israel can be a democracy and occupier, discuss

Max Ajl at the Electronic Intifada on J Street’s identity crisis (and American Jewry’s romantic notions of a Jewish state, still alive and well despite decades of brutal occupation): J Street’s policy positions reflect the assumption that the correct amount of strategically-targeted pressure, consisting of the right mix of harsh words and blandishments, can compel…

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