The Zionist lobby coughs blood over Gaza

How does the fundamentalist Zionist lobby manage this week’s devastating UN report on Gaza? Smear the Palestinian witnesses, claim the UN is biased and issue Israeli government talking points. Is Israel the only nation in the world whose army never kills civilians intentionally? Apparently so. UPDATE: Two other Zionist fanatics share their moderate views with…

Why J Street may just be having the right effect (sometimes)

It’s clear that J Street is seriously upsetting the Zionist establishment. Jewish Diaspora leaders who publicly criticise Israeli government policy are both necessary and morally important. Last night during a talk at Sydney University I challenged a senior Jewish lecturer who expressed pain about the West Bank settlements to actually try and do something about…

Jews should only be tough, aggressive and angry

Following the publication of this weekend’s New York Times Magazine feature on the rise of J Street and more liberal Jewry, hardline Zionists have responded with anger (God forbid that Judaism is shown as anything other than violent). Here’s the Jerusalem Post’s Shmuel Rosner: J Street is “bringing highly placed Israeli peaceniks to spread their…

Many young Jews don’t see Israel as the promised land

The New York Times publishes this weekend a feature on the “pro-peace and pro-Israel” lobby J Street (a group I’ve mentioned many times here.) The piece is important, for no other reason than it tells the world that not all Jews subscribe to the fanatical Greater Israel mindset. Sure, the writer talks about the “very…

Jew cries into the wildnerness to defend beloved Israeli violence

The life and times of Labor MP Michael Danby would be almost comical if it weren’t so tragic. He’s been yelping for years against yours truly for supposed anti-Semitism and beating up on poor old Israel. Suffice to say, he’s been about as effective as George W. Bush’s pronunciation but I’m very glad he continues…

Jews are far too keen to launch missiles on Iran

The drive for war against Iran is gathering pace, led by fundamentalist Zionist groups: Top U.S. congressional leaders and an Obama administration official are scheduled to meet with Jewish leaders to discuss how to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, which will…

The Israel lobby gets a bang for its huge bucks

Anti-War examines the ways in which the Zionist lobby in the US beautifully greases the wheels of the American political elites: Many Americans who thought that the health care debate was important must have wondered where their congressmen were in early August during the first two weeks of the House of Representatives recess.…  It turns…

Iran about to be pounded

This news will only bring belligerence on all sides (Iran, Israel and the US), though the hardline Zionist lobby will be rapt: A new round of international sanctions against Iran looked almost inevitable today, after the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei said talks with the Islamic republic were at a “stalemate”, and…

One state, two state”¦who cares so long as there’s a solution?

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: US President Barack Obama has consistently stated that he imagines a two state solution in the Middle East, with viable Jewish and Palestinian nations alongside each other. Israel, in a clear sign of who runs the show, announced last week that it intended to continue building colonies in…

The Jewish community has no debate on Israel

The following letter by Michael Brull, blogger for Independent Australian Jewish Voices, appears in today’s Sunday Age: Dvir Abramovich (”There are as many Jewish opinions as there are Jews”, 30/8) quotes approvingly some Jewish declaration that ”most communal roof bodies include a wide range of opinions”. [But] all major communal Jewish organisations support almost everything…

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