When words in the Middle East have no meaning

The following directive was just sent out internally by SBS News and Current Affairs: As Middle East peace talks gather momentum once again, it is important that all programs take care in the language used to describe the Occupied Territories. Recently the SBS Ombudsman ruled the use of the term “Palestinian land” in a World…

Shouting and foaming at the mouth is a Zionist lobby special

The bullying by the Zionist lobby is legendary and largely unreported by the Western media. Large parts of my first book, My Israel Question, are dedicated to it. A number of Jewish groups recently loudly moaned when former Irish President and human rights activist Mary Robinson was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom. She…

How to properly discuss Israel/Palestine?

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about John Pilger, the Sydney Peace Prize and the Zionist lobby, the following letter by Justin Templer is published today: I have always enjoyed Antony Loewenstein, if only as an entertaining foil against the overly influential pro-Israel machine. But in his latest writings Antony’s enthusiasm overwhelms his sense of…

Reaction to Pilger award reveals Zionist lobby’s fear of dissent

My following article appears in Crikey: In 2003, Palestinian politician and human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi won the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist establishment reacted with outrage, accused her of extremism and pressured then New South Wales Premier Bob Carr to not present the award. The campaign was a disaster and convinced large swathes of…

Make two-states happen, somehow

I’ve written countless times about J Street, the “pro-Israel and pro-peace” Israel lobby. Their belief in a two-state solution is wishful thinking, in my view, but they soldier on, regardless. How this magical solution will actually happen on the ground is beyond me. A source in the US, close to some senior J Street people,…

Yet another lovely friend of Israel

Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard recently led a delegation to Israel. It was a trip of stunning insignificance. Slogans were expressed, Palestine was largely ignored and Israel was blindly supported. This week’s Australian Jewish News features an “interview” with Gillard. It’s quite an achievement for the reporter and Gillard herself to say nothing of…

Obama is not the anti-Christ, repeat after me

J Street launches a new website, Obama Smear Busters, in an attempt to debunk the growing number of lies spread by the fundamentalist Zionist communities in Israel and the US: – Obama threw Israel under the bus in Cairo speech? Nope. – “Birther” leader claims Obama is “clear and present danger to Israel?” Ridiculous. –…

How to complain the loudest and make Jews look whiny

Journalist and author John Pilger is a terror loving fascist. (Yet another own goal by the Australian Jewish community, seemingly incapable of understanding that the awarding of the Sydney Peace Prize to Pilger is for an amazing body of work that spans decades and doesn’t just involve Israel/Palestine. The lounder they scream, the sillier they…

Can we just exclude Palestinians entirely?

Peace in our time? No chance, says this pro-settler, Zionist lobby in the US (post the recent Fatah conference in Bethlehem): “This conference made it crystal clear,” said Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, that “peace is not possible with Hamas or Fatah.”

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