Endorsement of new book, Making Australian Foreign Policy on Israel-Palestine

Melbourne University Press has just released a new book by Dr Halim Rane and Dr Eulalia Han,… Making Australian Foreign Policy on Israel-Palestine: This book examines the domestic factors that shape Australia…’s foreign policy on the Israel-Palestine conflict. These domestic factors, which include the mass media, public opinion, lobby groups and business groups are analysed using…

Supporting Palestine is protected by the US constitution

At a time when Palestine activism in the US is becoming more effective (and more threatening to the Zionist lobby), this initiative is welcome: The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), in collaboration with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), the Student Speech Working Group and other organizations, today announced the launch of the Palestine Solidarity Legal…

What the Israel lobby wants the Israel lobby gets

Breaking news… 🙂 Top-ranking government officials in Jerusalem confirmed Tuesday that Israel would exercise its longstanding, constitutionally granted veto power over American policy if U.S. lawmakers confirmed retired congressman Chuck Hagel as the United States’ next Secretary of Defense. “In light of Mr. Hagel’s worrying remarks on Israeli-Palestinian relations and questionable classification of Israeli interests as…

Breaking: US TV show discusses influence of Zionist lobby

Perhaps the only US TV host that actually honestly discusses domestic and global issues is Chris Hayes on MSNBC. His latest involves the current absurd calls by the Israel lobby and its courtiers in the US to stop the potential Obama administration nomination of Chuck Hagel as Defence Secretary because he’s an “anti-Semite“. If America…

Alternative Australian government blindly endorses occupying Israel

Liberal opposition leader Tony Abbott has recently been in London attending the… Australia-Israel-UK Leadership Forum. Unsurprisingly, the Australian media has mostly ignored the event – I mean, hell, why would they want to cover how the Zionist lobby works to enforce a fundamentalist position on Israel/Palestine? – so today’s front page story in Murdoch’s Australian… shows just…

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