Fear is a good thing for Israel

Zionist neo-cons are allegedly convinced that the Obama administration no longer cares about Israel and will not help the Jewish state protect itself from the Iranian nuclear “threat”. As if. Since when was some tough love not in order? Israel is not a special country and nor should it be treated that way. This is…

Yes, Israel is not special

Phil Weiss, reporting this week from the AIPAC conference, notes a growing fear in the Zionist lobby that the global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign is starting to bite. Who thinks so? The head of AIPAC: …Rather than attempting to simply de-legitimatize it with charges of anti-Semitism, he recognized its true motivation: “This is more…

Who’s really scared of listening to new voices?

The play about Jewish identity and Palestinian rights, Seven Jewish Children, premiered overseas recently to great acclaim (and the usual complaints by the Zionist lobby). It’s coming to Melbourne in a few week’s time and how does the Jewish establishment react? From today’s Age: A play that has been condemned by Jewish groups and some…

Screw the Arabs, we want to attack Iran

US Vice President Joe Biden told the AIIPAC conference: Israel has to work toward a two-state solution. You’re not going to like my saying this, but not build more settlements, dismantle existing outposts and allow the Palestinians freedom of movement. The hardline Zionist lobby in the US doesn’t seem too fussed over this demand. All…

What else but a foreign agent?

The Electronic Intifada reviews a new book by Grant F. Smith titled, “America’s Defense Line”, on the Zionist lobby: Supporters of the Israel lobby have long maintained that the reason it does not have to register as an agent of a foreign government is that its funding and composition are indigenous to the US. Even…

Don’t let them change the subject

The leading American Zionist lobby, AIPAC, finishes its annual conference in Washington today. The message? Iran, Iran and Iran. Progressive Israel lobby J Street isn’t happy: To thunderous applause last night, Newt Gingrich attacked President Barack Obama’s policies in the Middle East, promoted military action against Iran, and assailed diplomatic engagement as weakness at AIPAC’s…

When truth isn’t on your side

A statement from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: The impressive growth of the Palestinian civil society campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, particularly after its criminal war of aggression on the occupied Gaza Strip, is testimony to the morality and consistency of ordinary citizens and civil…

Spying is just good old Zionist business

This is how the UK Guardian reports this sadly unsurprising story: The US government is to drop espionage charges against two officials of America’s most powerful pro-Israel lobby group accused of spying for the Jewish state because court rulings had made the case unwinnable and the trial would disclose classified information. And this is how…

Stop the colonies or face exclusion

The profound disconnect between the Zionist lobby and the general public is revealed yet again in this intriguing study: A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll finds that three-quarters of Americans think that Israel should not build settlements in the Palestinian territories. This is up 23 points from when this question was last asked in 2002. One third…

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