Get out of the damn way

If peace between Israel and the Palestinians is to be achieved, writes Tony Karon in The National, both Washington and Hamas will have to engage. Israel will have to be made to realise that its current path is unsustainable. The Zionist lobby may not be pleased, but its influence in the US is a key…

Gaza counterclaim

The debate over Israel and Gaza continues today in the Australian Financial Review: Antony Loewenstein (“NGOs challenge Gaza blame“, Letters, February 9) persists in the error that non-government organisation assertions about Israel are beyond challenge. He omits to mention that last Thursday the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs retracted an earlier…

And we are growing in strength

Antony Lerman, The Guardian, February 6: Each and every Jew who protested as a Jew against the Gaza war had a personal Jewish imperative for doing so. Some simply expressed dismay; most demanded action to end the carnage. To say that we failed is neither an expression of despair nor a statement that dissent wasn’t…

Israel faces kangaroo court

Following my article in last Friday’s Australian Financial Review on Israeli war crimes in Gaza (and the Zionist lobby’s response on Tuesday), today’s paper publishes a piece by Robert Goot AM SC, a Sydney barrister and President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry: Before pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, it is customary…

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali accuses Israel of atrocities

The following story by Natalie O’Brien appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Australia’s most outspoken Muslim leader, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, has compared the Israeli bombing of Gaza to the Holocaust, sparking outrage among Jewish groups. Sheik Hilali, the imam of the nation’s biggest mosque at Lakemba, southwest Sydney, lashed out at the Israeli leaders, branding…

The ease with which they lie

Israeli officials are wonderful at lying, telling the world that black is white or that “there is no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. This kind of deception has an infamous pedigree. The lobby group, Australian Committee for Truth in the Middle East, has just published its latest missive and included the following necessary history lesson: Let…

The Podcast Network on Gaza

The Podcast Network is a massive global community of citizens. I was interviewed on Friday about the war in Gaza, the role of the US, the Zionist lobby and the ways in which the Western media obscures the truth about the Palestinians. An interesting footnote: With the help of my two assistants Tim Grainger and…

Imam Husain Islamic Centre talk on Israel/Palestine

I spoke last night to a packed room of around 170 people at Sydney’s Imam Husain Islamic Centre (all photos here): I was honoured to engage with a large Muslim audience (as I was told that the idea of a Jew speaking to such a group happened rarely, if ever, due to the fear of…

The Jewish state faces a necessary shift

MJ Rosenberg, from the liberal Israel Policy Forum, sees a major shift in American policy towards the Middle East and warns hardline Zionists that their time is up: Some pro-Israel activists are preparing for intensified war against this phenomenon [challenging Israeli policy]. They have long been in the business of shooting the messenger, believing that…

Anti-Semitic remarks stop Palestine conference

The following article, by Josephine Tovey, appears today in the Sydney Morning Herald online: A conference on justice for Palestine due to be held tomorrow at State Parliament has been called off after several high-profile speakers withdrew from the event, citing revelations the convener had made anti-Semitic remarks. Maqsood Alshams, who had organised the conference…

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