Jews on Jews

My following article appears in Online Opinion: The 60th anniversary of Israel’s birth saw a flurry of praise by the worldwide Zionist community. The Australian Jewish News editorialised that “Jews all over the world feel Israel is the most special place on earth”. Furthermore, “the Israeli Defence Forces are the envy of the world ”¦…

In the belly of the beast

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, authors of The Israel Lobby, are currently in Israel. They are facing an inquisitive reception. After all, as Haaretz columnist Akiva Eldar, says: “Israelis are very proud of their power. It’s seen as something we should brag about, not something to defend.” Thankfully, hardline Zionists are having to defend their…

Name-calling by the blind

Following my debate last week on SBS Television regarding Israel/Palestine and the death of American peace activist Rachel Corrie, the following comment was left on the program’s website by Melbourne-based Jewish writer, Philip Mendes: Rachel Corrie’s death is no more or less tragic than the deaths of many Israelis and Palestinians in this horrendous conflict.…

Whoring for Israel

Jon Stewart on the true nature of American politics (ie. how much do leading politicians need to praise the Jewish state before being classified “kosher”?)

The ultimate Zionist test

Norman Finkelstein discovers a news exclusive after the recent Zionist lobby AIPAC conference: In a move that shocked his AIPAC audience but which his supporters called “brave,” Barack Obama dropped his drawers to prove that he was Jewish. John McCain immediately issued a statement alleging that he was circumcised first. (The Republican candidate is 71.)…

What do Jews really think?

What is it with hardline Zionism and its wish to bomb other countries? First Iraq, now discussion about Iran, the Jewish establishment’s embrace of the “war on terror” rhetoric highlights a fundamentally anti-democratic, draconian, insecure and racist mindset (not least because most of the victims of a government’s over-zealous plans are directed against Muslims.) And…

Solidarity or expulsion

This is how leading Zionist lobby AIPAC deals with open debate at this week’s conference (namely, if you aren’t talking about killing Iranians or Palestinians, please shut up):

My name is Rachel Corrie

The following program screened last night on Australia’s finest current affairs program, SBS Dateline: (video is here) It’s not often that a 1-woman show ignites worldwide controversy. But a play called ‘My Name is Rachel Corrie’ about a young American protestor killed by an Israeli bulldozer in the Gaza Strip, has done just that. In…

They don’t speak for all

What the hardline Zionist lobby offers the Middle East (war, occupation and terror.) (When will the mainstream Jewish community reject these extremist views publicly, considering a majority of Americans, according to a new Gallop Poll, believe in engagement with Washington’s “enemies”?)

Author calls for economic sanctions against Israel

The following article appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News (AJN): Speaking to a crowd of almost 200 people at Gleebooks in Glebe recently, outspoken Israel critic Antony Loewenstein spoke with Palestinian-American author Ali Abunimah about his perceived need for a shift in understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the necessity of moving towards a…

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