The need for Jewish dissent grows

Lynne Segal, Guardian Comment is Free, February 5: Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) celebrates its first year with its eyes on Gaza, demanding an end to the Israeli blockade and, on the uneven playing field of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an end to human rights abuses on both sides. IJV was formed a year ago to raise…

An accidental war

My latest New Matilda column is about the recently released Winograd Report in Israel and what it says about the institutional failures within the Jewish state: The release last week of the Israeli Government’s Winograd Report was designed to reveal the failures of the Lebanon adventure and hold military and political leaders to account. Prime…

Random Zionist bombing

Leading investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reveals that last year’s Israeli bombing of Syria’s “nuclear” facilities was a classic case of false intelligence and hyped threats (and yet the mainstream media played along again): Joseph Cirincione, the director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress, a Washington, D.C., think tank, told me, “Syria does…

Blind dedication will no longer do

The launch last year of the British Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) – a group formed to speak out against Israeli aggression and mindless Zionism – led a group of us here in Australia to institute Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV). We had a wonderful response and are currently planning a number of events for 2008.…

Marching on their homeland

After a week that saw Hamas courageously break Israel’s illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza, the democratically elected government issues a warning to the Jewish state: A senior Hamas official warned yesterday that the next breakout from the Gaza Strip could be into Israel, with 500,000 Palestinians attempting to march towards the towns and villages…

Alternative Jewish thinking

The siege of Gaza has failed. In praise of the Jewish blogosphere. We need America’s help. There Won’t Be Peace in the Middle East Till There’s a Naqba Museum in the U.S.

Failure is Israel’s middle name

Gazans are desperately streaming into Egypt to source goods during Israel’s criminal siege. Hamas has been strengthened. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama proves that running for the highest office in the land means you must defend Israel and vilify the Palestinian population. And yet Israel never learns from history and its current moves against Gaza…

Final days are approaching

The general silence of the Zionist establishment towards the illegal West Bank settlements is one of the great moral failings of our time (in fact, an interesting old, PR document has emerged that reveals the tortured ways in which Israel wants to be portrayed to the world, ideally ignoring the less favourable aspects of its…

Democracy is poison to Arabs

My latest New Matilda column is about the recent Bush visit to the Middle East: George W Bush’s current visit to the Middle East, in the final year of his Presidency, is an attempt to solidify Washington’s position towards its client states – Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Palestine…

Let’s talk about Jewish power

Jewish blogger Philip Weiss examines the ways in which the issue of Jewish power is rarely discussed in the mainstream, but clearly needs to be if the disasters of the Bush administration are to be fully examined. Why can’t we talk openly about the role of Jews and Israel behind the Iraq war? Why can’t…

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