Who needs enemies?

John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, Los Angeles Times, January 6: Once again, as the presidential campaign season gets underway, the leading candidates are going to enormous lengths to demonstrate their devotion to the state of Israel and their steadfast commitment to its “special relationship” with the United States. Each of the main contenders…

Siding with brutality

Philip Weiss, January 5: Locked in a long-ago mindset of Holocaust guilt and Exodus triumph, never having visited the Jewish state, most American Jews go along with the Dershowitzes and neoconservative extremists who wish to ensure Israel’s “security” by having the U.S. government build a bloody iron wall in the Arab world. And in stark…

The Zionist lobby is the worst friend Israel can have

John Mearsheimer, co-author of the Israel Lobby, Al-Jazeera, December 30: Almost all of the major candidates are falling over themselves to demonstrate how deeply committed they are to America’s special relationship with Israel. Hardly a word of criticism is directed at anything Israel does and that is due to the activities of the lobby. If…

Jewish identity in an post-identity world

RicenPeas are one of Britain’s most interesting independent documentary film companies. In its monthly interview series, I was asked about the role of Israel/Palestine in my work: As a Jew living in Australia, I was always curious why most Jews expressed uncritical love towards Israel and were able to defend, justify and explain every single…

Permission not required

I’ve called Israel many things over the years – rogue state, racist outpost etc – but this may take the prize: Israelis are known for being direct and blunt. But comments made by David Landau, editor of the Israeli daily, Haaretz, to Condoleezza Rice about Israel needing to be “raped” by the U.S. to achieve…

Jews for torture

Most American Zionist organisations are now little more than apologists for Israel or supporters of genocide-denying nations (Turkey.) And most remain seemingly incapable of deciding if torture should be outlawed: The American Jewish Committee last week became the first, and to date only, mainstream Jewish group to give strong public backing to proposed legislation that…

Zionists need cash to support Israel?

If Zionists are so passionate about Israel, why do they need payment to spread anti-Arab propaganda? A group working to promote pro-Israel sentiment at American colleges is hiring students to act as campus emissaries of the Jewish state. Jewish student leaders from Columbia University, New York University, and Queens College will receive up to $1,000…

Hate Arabs? Join the queue

The face of fundamentalist American Zionism is Morton Klein, National President of the Zionist Organisation of America (ZOA.) Behold his hatred of Arabs, Palestinians, peace or compromise. And remember this is a man who speaks for millions of American Jews. Zionism is sick and in desperate need of a lobotomy.

Not the Protocols

What do you get when you combine Jewish money and power? Arrogance, far too often, and a sense that using the anti-Semitism card is the ultimate ‘get out of jail free’ card. Far too few people in our society are willing to risk the social tsunami if they dare challenge the accepted “rules” of the…

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