Loving that ghetto feeling

Leading Jewish dissident blogger Philip Weiss, December 16: This is an American issue [the settlements]. There will be no Palestinian moderation, and no peace in the Middle East, till these insults are sanctioned by us. Nothing will change until the U.S. government does more than lip service in opposition. Nothing will change till Democratic politicians…

Expanding the gene pool

Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, December 13: Isn’t it high time that American Jews who weren’t singing Hatikvah in high school got involved in Middle East policy?

Time for Jews to stand up and be counted

There are an increasing number of Jews trying to challenge the militaristic, neo-conservative fantasy of radical Jews who believe in the concept of endless war in the Middle East. Tragically, many Diaspora communities have allowed these Zionist lobbies to represent and speak for them, pushing war in Iraq, a strike against Iran and brutality against…

Hold the champagne

M.J. Rosenberg, Israel Policy Forum, December 7: Good news. Some of the more conservative American Jewish institutions are coming around to acceptance of the two-state solution, ending the occupation, and sharing Jerusalem. It’s about time. The overwhelming majority of Israelis and Jewish Americans favor those positions and eventually the more status quo-oriented organizations had to…

Counting the costs

Like so many other self-declared democracies, the Jewish state exports death: Israel has passed Britain to become the world’s fourth largest exporter of weapons, Defense Ministry Director-General Pinchas Bucharis said yesterday. Israel had a total of $4 billion in defense exports in 2007, Bucharis said. The United States, Russia and France lead the world’s list…

Not negotiable

My latest New Matilda column is about the recent Annapolis conference and the Zionist lobby’s failure to understand how the political realities are changing: Despite the rhetoric wafting from the Zionist camp that most West Bank settlements would be abandoned in a peace deal, a recent poll found that the vast majority of these settlers…

Never again means nothing

Norman Finkelstein speaking at an Islamophobia conference in Istanbul, December: It might also be noted that the U.S. and Israel typically invoke the memory of the Nazi holocaust for the purpose not of averting the horrors of war but to justify inflicting them. Whenever the United States and Israel prepare to attack Muslims it is…

They can’t run

It’s bemusing to read leading Jerusalem Post columnists whining that the world is against Israel, including the Bush administration. I must have missed Condoleezza Rice’s pro-Palestinian bias. The fear is clearly starting to set in for the Zionists, aware that their ever-expanding occupation will result in international isolation (though Australia can clearly be relied upon…

No peace in Israel-Palestine

My following article in the Melbourne Age, co-written with Michael Shaik, the public advocate for Australians for Palestine, is about the realities on the ground in Palestine: It is difficult to overstate the lost opportunity that last week’s Annapolis conference represents. The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, had agreed to all of Israel’s preconditions for negotiations…

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