Jews wanting to only talk to other Jews

Zionist organisations aren’t too fond of open debate. Indeed, dissent is shunned, especially on issues related to Israel/Palestine. So this latest, local news is both tragic (and utterly predictable): Making the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) the pre-eminent voice of the Jewish community is Robert Goot’s main aim, the new president told delegates at…

They can’t help it

When a leading donor to America’s leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, claims that the group is offering too much support for the Palestinians in advance of next week’s “peace” conference in Annapolis, it’s clearly time for a reality check. AIPAC’s modus operandi has always been to undermine any peace initiative in the Middle East. Their Australian…

Break free, my friend

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Israel’s Washington dependence: Our foreign military aid to Israel is actually more like corporate welfare to the U.S. military industrial complex, as Israel is forced to purchase only U.S. products with the assistance. We send almost twice as much aid to other countries in the Middle East, which only…

Never getting over it

One would think that the unveiling of a mural of the late famed Palestinian thinker Edward Said at San Francisco State University would barely ruffle any feathers. But you’d be wrong. After all, hardline Zionists won’t accept any public expression of Palestinian identity.

Zionists fail the secularism test

Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, November 12: The endorsement by Pat Robertson of pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani this week is widely seen as a sign that the evangelical Christian vote, which has scared the bejesus out of a lot of people in blue states for the last 30 years, is losing its monolithic power. Yay! But I…

Bombing, Zionist-style

The love affair between Israel and America continues: The US Congress on Friday approved the purchase of weapons and technological systems from Israel’s defense industries for $700 million. The advanced technological products will be acquired as part of the American security budget for the coming year to be used by US forces in Iraq and…

Academics expand Israel lobby case

My following review appears in the November Australian Literary Review: The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt Allen Lane, 544pp, $49.95 (HB) When “realist” academics John Mearsheimer of Chicago University and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard published their essay, The Israel Lobby, in the London Review of Books…

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