It takes more than mad Jews to start wars

Jon Basil Utley, Antiwar, October 31: The new, public debate about the Israel lobby is missing a major point – the lobby’s allies, the many other interests in America that want chaos in the Middle East. For example, in the Walt-Mearsheimer book there is no listing in the index for “military-industrial complex.” For all its…

The West/East divide

Tony Karon, Rootless Cosmopolitan, October 23: When the Zionist right in America “defends Israel” by going after one of Israel’s most respected newspapers which happens to tell the truth about the occupation and related matters, it’s not hard to see why Pipes & co. have little cause for optimism. The Zionist moment is over, because…

Courting the Jewish vote

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: The fight for the Federal seat of Wentworth is between the self-appointed, Honorary Jew (Malcolm Turnbull) and the proudly Zionist, True Jew (George Newhouse.) Pitching directly at a recent Jewish Labor Forum, Newhouse told the assembled crowd that, “Malcolm’s recent discovery of the Yiddish vernacular is…

Academic freedom revisited

Following this recent talk at the University of Chicago about the…  role of the Israel lobby in shutting down debate in the US, now podcast the speeches of Norman Finkelstein, Tony Judt, Noam Chomsky and John Mearsheimer.

An ominous silencing

Finally, real debate about the often insidious power of the Zionist lobby is occurring in the mainstream: Collectively they have published more than a hundred books and countless articles. Four are tenured professors at elite American universities. Internet searches reveal them to be widely cited experts on international affairs and American foreign policy. In short,…

The lobby finds its match

Daniel Levy, Haaretz, October 9: Walt and Mearsheimer explain Bush Middle East policy as Israel-lobby driven. Another way to look at it would be: This is the first Republican administration since the Christian evangelical Zionists emerged as a potent force in the GOP; since the mainstream pro-Israel community, which contained a sizable and senior neocon…

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