Playing politics with Palestine? Perish the thought

Israel’s trusted friend in the Australian media, Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian, today publishes a piece that is so banal as to be comical. Guess what people, BDS supporters and Palestinian backers are daring to “play politics” with human rights in the Middle East. And what exactly does the Zionist lobby and Zionist propagandists in our…

A one-state solution is only way forward for Israel and Palestine

My following article appears today in The Conversation: How should the world react when a supposedly democratic state can’t acknowledge a 40-year-old occupation? When US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney… declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel… during a visit this weekend, he was playing into this mass delusion, and mouthing the official position of the American Zionist lobby.…

Israeli racism and inequality in its DNA

My following article appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar: “Moshe was simply not willing for the State of Israel to run him over anymore.” Moshe Silman, a son of Holocaust survivors, was an Israeli man who died last week after suffering second and third-degree burns on 94 percent of his body. In an Israeli first, a…

The Wire radio on illegal Israeli colonies

I was interviewed yesterday by the daily current affairs show, The Wire, talking about Israel’s recently released Levy report on settlements. Illegality? What illegality? There’s some classic delusional but typical Zionist lobbying in the piece, by Vic Alhadeff, saying the report is in fact good for peace. Seriously, does the Israel lobby receive its daily…

Important background to the Marrickville BDS story

Following my post earlier today about the issue of BDS in Australia and the role of Australian politicians siding blindly with the Zionist state, an insider sent me the following information which provides essential understanding of the truth behind the story. If you think politicians who embrace Israel are principled, think again: Sadly, this is…

Beyond the rhetorical flourish, Obama is typical US President

In a long and pretty unremarkable look at Barack Obama’s attitude towards the Israel/Palestine conflict in the Washington Post yesterday, this paragraph reveals all you need to know. The Zionist lobby has far too influence in US politics and Obama in practice is little different to every President before him when it comes to accepting…

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