The National publishes my following investigative feature (PDFs of the cover story:… cover.sudan… and… spread.sudan): The squalid guest house sits alongside a main road in South Sudan. Every night migrants arrive but few of them stay very long. They’re mostly men from Eritrea or Ethiopia who have fled racism and imprisonment in Israel looking for a better future.…
Showing all posts tagged Italy

Punishing migrants is a sure way towards greater unrest
My weekly Guardian column: Surely bombing yet another Muslim country is a mistake. But that’s exactly what Italian foreign minister Paolo Gentiloni has called for – attacks on Islamic State (Isis) positions in Libya to stem the flow of refugees streaming into Europe. Calls for tough action, like Gentiloni’s, are growing in response to refugees…

Destroying Euro ghettos and pushing the problem elsewhere
Europe’s growing anti-immigration racism reminds us of dark periods in the continent’s history: “These are dark-skinned people [Roma], not Europeans like you and me,” said Riccardo De Corato, who is Milan’s vice mayor from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s ruling party and who is in charge of handling the camps. He later added: “Our final goal…

Talking past power
How the internet is finally changing the face of Italian society (and we can thank Prime Minister Silvio Berluscon). (While the vast majority of Egyptian web users allegedly support the idea of government net censorship.)

We don’t like your sort here
Rome, home of the “New Fascism.” Europe’s future may be written in blood.