Good riddance to bad rubbish

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom explains why just resigned Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is a disgrace to his country (and to Jews everywhere): Nobody will shed a tear as the political career of Ehud Olmert grounds to its end. In the two years he had at the helm of the Israeli ship of state,…

Telling it like it isn’t (on Israel/Palestine)

My latest New Matilda column is about the Western media’s delusions over the Middle East: Distortions, delusions, misrepresentations. No wonder Western leaders and media don’t understand the popularity of groups like Hezbollah and Hamas in the Arab world It shouldn’t come as any surprise that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is consistently voted the most popular…

The Muslim mind

Part one of a Robert Fisk documentary from the early 1990s, Beirut to Bosnia, about the attitude of Muslims to the West in Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Bosnia. As relevant today as ever:

The Israeli death machine

Resistance to Israeli war crimes can take many forms. Sometimes even the judiciary vindicates these actions: There were jubilant scenes in a Belfast court yesterday as six anti-war protesters were unanimously acquitted of destroying property belonging to multinational arms company Raytheon. As the Crown Court jury of four men and seven women were led from…

Israeli stupidity (part 6742)

Dissenting historian Norman Finkelstein explains why he may have been barred from entering Israel: Well, I guess there are two possibilities. One, I think I’m more effective than I have been in the past. I draw fairly large audiences. And I think Israel is now facing a major public relations challenge. They’re losing the moral…

Packing a punch

Secretary General of Hizbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nassrallah, Beirut, May 26: Today, by the name of all gatherings here as well all free people in the Arabian and Muslim world, I call Iraqis along with their political and religious leaderships to make a noble and historical decision that prevents the ultimate fall of Iraq in the…

Time to find new friends

How Bush and his mates are increasingly irrelevant in the Middle East. (Though this doesn’t stop many Western NGOs still supporting the worst aspects of Israeli occupation policies.)

The West takes a step back

The significance of the recent chaos in Lebanon has been largely ignored in the West. The Western media frame revolves around demonising the “terrorist” group of Hizbollah and supporting the US-backed government. But what was it really about? First, As’ad AbuKhalil, professor of political science at California State University and Angry Arab blogger: …And basically,…

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