Afghanistan may be at war but rest assured the vultures will come

A friend says that a link to this page appeared on Murdoch’s Australian today, just proving that exploitating the fears and conflict of a war-torn country is never beyond the remit of disaster capitalists: U.S. geologists just found some $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan. What’s next for the war-torn country? Overnight, Afghanistan…

Newsflash; Greens politician isn’t anti-Semitic but…

Those cuddly fools at Murdoch’s Australian. The paper has spent the last months (and years) finding any way possible to smear individuals who back Palestine. It’s failed miserably, of course, as the rights of Palestinians has never been more understood globally. Last week Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon was forced to write a letter stating she…

Memo to Murdoch hacks; supporting Palestine is legitimate so deal with it

In what is becoming a daily obsession by Murdoch’s Australian newspaper, today sees yet more articles comparing BDS for Palestinian rights akin to Nazi Germany, the 9/11 attacks and extremism. First the “news” story: Victorian unions have voted to embroil the ACTU in a controversial campaign targeting Israeli-owned businesses. This came as the Boycott, Divestment…

Guess who was helping Gaddafi stay in power?

The role of Western companies helping repressive regimes monitoring their citizens is only getting worse, as I document in my book The Blogging Revolution. This week the Wall Street Journal secured a cracking exclusive about Libya and the fine, upstanding people helping Gaddafi remain thuggish: On the ground floor of a six-story building here, agents…

Why the Murdoch empire in Australia threatens democracy

Melbourne academic Robert Manne rightly calls for a neutering of Murdoch empire power in Australia: The company’s domination of our newspaper market poses a real and present danger to the health of Australian democracy … Unquestioning support for American foreign policy led the paper to conduct an extraordinarily strident campaign in favour of an invasion…

That’s a relief; Greens Senator isn’t anti-Semitic

The fact that Lee Rhiannon has to write this letter to Murdoch’s Australian shows the debased nature of the “debate” in this country: David Syme’s accusation that I am anti-Semitic is false (Letters, 30/8). On many occasions I have condemned anti-Semitism. I regularly speak out in support of multiculturalism and human rights and oppose racism…

Murdoch press shamefully allows false charge of anti-Semitism to hover

This week Federal Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon was openly accused of anti-Semitism in a letter published in Murdoch’s Australian for supporting BDS and Palestinian rights. The following day this appeared in the paper: The assertion by David Syme (Letters, 30/8) that well-documented human rights abuses by Israel against Palestinians can be dismissed as nonsense is…

At least one Australian politician stands up for Palestine

Bravo Lee Rhiannon and as always the Murdoch Australian is incapable of framing this movement as anything other than outright anti-Semitism: Greens senator Lee Rhiannon has again refused to back away from the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign, despite opposition from her leader, Bob Brown. Her comments came as a group of federal MPs…

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