Rupert cares about family and power; ideology always comes second

Andreas Whittam Smith in the Independent reminds us what the Murdoch empire is really about: At its heart, News Corporation, for all its immense global interests, is a family company. The Murdochs may not control all the voting rights in the group, but they run it as if they did. It is not a place…

Investigate the Murdoch empire in Australia

An eminently reasonable call. This should be extended to the influence and power of all corporate media interests. How are benefits achieved? Who is meeting whom? When and how? A real democracy doesn’t allow one family to own so many media titles: The leader of Australia’s Green party has called on the government to investigate…

My Al Jazeera English interview on Murdoch’s excessive global power

As Rupert Murdoch’s empire faces unprecedented pressure in Britain over phone-hacking, criminality, ethical breaches and romancing of the political and media elites, it’s time to assess how one man and one family has amassed so much power in countless Western democracies. It should be challenged. Here’s my interview on Al Jazeera English yesterday:

Name me a leading corporate politician who doesn’t bow to Murdoch?

The New Statesman says it well: Finally, our leaders are outraged. The claim that the mobile phone of the murdered teenager Milly Dowler was hacked by the News of the World has been described as “truly dreadful” (David Cameron), “totally shocking” (Ed Miliband) and “grotesque” (Nick Clegg). Could this be the moment that Britain’s spineless…

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