It takes skill to praise Israel caring for Palestinians (thank you Murdoch)

Today’s editorial in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian is a classic case of receiving a press release from the Israeli government and it somehow, mysteriously, appearing in the paper. Occupation is invisible. Hell, Israel is praised for cuddling Palestinians babies at West Bank checkpoints. Well, nearly. If the editors need some assistance to better understand the brutal,…

Memo to Murdoch/Zio lobby; BDS grows while occupation deepens

Another day and yet more faux outrage by the Murdoch press and Israel lobby in Australia. First this (via the Australian on its front page): Julia Gillard has denounced the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement ahead of anti-Israeli protest action planned at the University of NSW today. BDS action at UNSW has turned ugly, with…

No, Kevin Rudd, boycotts against Israeli institutions aren’t anti-Semitic

Late last year Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newsletter ran a campaign against the head of Sydney University’s Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies, Jake Lynch, for bravely rejecting institutional links with occupation-supporting Israeli universities. Today former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd appears in the same paper with quotes implying that boycotts are anti-Semitic and concerned people should…

How Murdoch and his cabal corrupts democracy part 974224

One of the team behind the Watergate story, Carl Bernstein, unloads: So now we have it: what appears to be hard, irrefutable evidence of… Rupert Murdoch‘s ultimate and most audacious attempt – thwarted, thankfully, by circumstance – to hijack America’s democratic institutions on a scale equal to his success in kidnapping and corrupting the essential democratic…

Another day and Murdoch’s Australian on case of rampant anti-Semitism in our universities (oh wait…)

Today Rupert Murdoch’s very serious broadsheet organ The Australian continues its brave reporting on, well knows anymore, the countless stories about Dr Jake Lynch at Sydney University. It’s beyond parody. Thankfully, Lynch is standing firm and he has received the full support of his Peace and Conflict Studies board. News story: Australia’s peak Jewish body…

Memo to Murdoch’s rag; academic BDS is about Zionist occupation not Judaism

I’m no longer surprised by the profound dishonesty in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian when it comes to discussing Israel and Palestine. Today’s editorial covers the ongoing saga (pushed by them alone, an obsessive little bunch they are) about Dr Jake Lynch at Sydney University. They clearly imply he’s anti-Semitic for daring to oppose connections with Israeli…

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