It’s true because we say it is

A timely exert from Noam Chomsky’s book, Understanding Power, in which he proves yet again the gutlessness of the mainstream media: [A] few years ago George Will wrote a column in Newsweek called “Mideast Truth and Falsehood,” about how peace activists are lying about the Middle East, everything they say is a lie. And in…

Who really is fully at fault here?

Noam Chomsky argues in a recent interview, in views that I share, that Hamas is far more amenable to peace than the US or Israel: Well for several years Hamas has been very clear and explicit, repeatedly, that they favor a two state settlement on the international border. They said they would not recognize Israel…

Like two whores who can’t live without each other

Noam Chomsky, interviewed by Assaf Kfoury on January 31 for the Beirut daily as-Safir, on why the relationship between Israel and the US is what it is: By now Israel is virtually an offshore US military base and intelligence centre”¦ Israel is also a valued high-tech centre, as illustrated by the increase of investment in…

The ease with which they lie

Israeli officials are wonderful at lying, telling the world that black is white or that “there is no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. This kind of deception has an infamous pedigree. The lobby group, Australian Committee for Truth in the Middle East, has just published its latest missive and included the following necessary history lesson: Let…

How to really bring change?

The calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel are growing by the day. But is it the right way forward? Noam Chomsky argued in 2003 that it is not: The academic boycott of Israel is wrong, says linguistics professor and political dissident Noam Chomsky. Academics angered by the failure to resolve the Palestine issue…

Should we believe?

Slavoj Žižek, London Review of Books, November 14: Noam Chomsky called for people to vote for Obama ”˜without illusions’. I fully share Chomsky’s doubts about the real consequences of Obama’s victory: from a pragmatic perspective, it is quite possible that Obama will make only some minor improvements, turning out to be ”˜Bush with a human…

Political vaudeville

My latest New Matilda column is about the forthcoming US election: Vacuous coverage of the US election has only skimmed the surface of the economic and foreign policy challenges facing the next President, argues Antony Loewenstein Mainstream media debate over the forthcoming US election has been fixated on the trivial rather than the substantive. Foreign…

Which elites should win?

Is there essentially any difference between Barack Obama and John McCain? Or, as Noam Chomsky argues, are they simply different factions of the one party, the business party?

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