The power of Israel

How much longer must we deny Israel’s unhealthy grip over Western governments? The full extent of government anxiety about the state of British-Israel relations can be exposed for the first time today in a secret document seen by the Guardian. The document reveals how the Foreign Office successfully fought to keep secret any mention of…

One rule must fit all

Dilip Hiro, Guardian Comment is Free, February 7: Unless Washington takes a lead on turning the spotlight on Israel’s WMD, the idea of the WMD-free Middle East will remain empty rhetoric.

Random Zionist bombing

Leading investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reveals that last year’s Israeli bombing of Syria’s “nuclear” facilities was a classic case of false intelligence and hyped threats (and yet the mainstream media played along again): Joseph Cirincione, the director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress, a Washington, D.C., think tank, told me, “Syria does…

Irans turns a corner

George Bush, in his annual state of the union address, highlighted so-called Iranian-backed extremism in the Middle East. The reality in Iran, however, is rarely examined by the mainstream media. Noted Iranian writer Nasrin Alavi, now based in London, argues that Ahmadinejad’s regime is decreasing in popularity due to its economic failures and overblown rhetoric:…

Nuclear beware

Wikileaks continues to reveal the issues ignored by the mainstream media: Following an announcement this week that the infamous Japanese Monju fast-breeder nuclear reactor would be reopened, activists in Japan have leaked suppressed video footage of the disaster that lead to its closure in 1995. The infamous sodium spill, an accident that long ago earned…

Our right to use nukes

James K Galbraith, Guardian Comment is Free, January 25: Five former Nato generals, including the former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, John Shalikashvili, have written a “radical manifesto” which states that “the West must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the ‘imminent’ spread of nuclear…