LARB talks The Palestine Laboratory

My forthcoming book, The Palestine Laboratory, is out in May. In a recent podcast by the Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB), acclaimed writer Malcolm Harris, author of Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World, talks about my book and highly recommends it. The segment starts at 26:20.

How the Jewish state increasingly has ties with the far-right

This week I spoke at a event organised by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism on Israel and its growing ties with the global far-right. I explain how Israel’s permanent occupation is an inspiration for many nations now (and yes, this is also partly the subject of my next book out in 2023):

How the media should report more fairly on Palestine/Israel

In the last weeks since the publication of a petition that I helped write, Do Better on Palestine, there’s been a lot of media backlash and public support. It’s a call for the media to more fairly and accurately report on Israel/Palestine. US-based outlet The Intercept has just covered the whole saga and helpfully places…

Ending the occupation is the only way

My following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Advocacy of a just outcome of the Israel/Palestine conflict is not helped by falsehoods as those proclaimed by Paul Rubenstein (“If you cheer for Hamas, know it wants Israel wiped out”, May 27). Concerning the latest destruction in Gaza, it beggars belief to claim that the…

How Israel is gradually privatising its occupation of Palestine

My investigation in US magazine The Nation (print and online) about Israel privatising its occupation of Palestinian land. It’s co-written with the great, London-based journalist Matt Kennard. This work continues my years-long research into disaster capitalism globally: It’s 4:30… am… with the moon still high in the sky, but Palestinians from across the West Bank are already…

The ethical choice

Morality still exists in Israel: Over 10,000 posters warning of a power outage were plastered over residential doors and public locations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa by left wing activists in protest of the government’s decision to cut-back the power supply to the Gaza Strip. Dozens of activists participated in the overnight operation which…

Jews who like to expand

A computer game the whole family can play: Global Conflicts: Palestine is a new award-winning 3D role-playing simulation computer game in which the player assumes the role of a freelance journalist who has just arrived in Jerusalem armed with a pen, a notepad and their sharp wits to get them through the challenges ahead. The…

Death by occupation

Israeli humanity in action. “A 16-year-old Palestinian boy was killed on Thursday after being run over by an Israeli army bulldozer during a military incursion in the Gaza Strip, medics and witnesses said.”

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