Because Israel has never had any intention of giving up colonisation

Prescient and clear-headed Alastair Crooke in the London Review of Books: The emphasis on ”˜trust-building’ with Israel has coloured the evolution of the political process since 2003. The general movement towards providing ”˜law and order’, security co-operation and ”˜institution-building’ is well known. But the ”˜state-building’ project as a whole should be understood in the context…

Football taught Zionist that ethnic cleansing may not be ideal

Oh this is so charming. Here’s Danny Brill, from Melbourne but living in Jerusalem. He was assistant coach/player in the first Peres Peace Team in 2008. It’s a classic liberal Zionist program to make everybody feel good about the Middle East and get a few Jews and Arabs speaking and playing together. But it completely…

Zionist occupiers abuse children in the name of “democracy”

The sheer desperation of these actions show what Israel has become. Foul: Israeli Channel 10 TV aired yesterday footage filmed by Nariman and Bilal a-Tamimi, volunteers in B’Tselem’s video project and residents of Nabi Saleh, offering a rare glimpse into a new method employed by the army: soldiers enter homes at night to photograph youngsters…

Civil space shrinking in Gaza thanks to Hamas, Israel and Egypt

The Islamist group does itself no favours with such behaviour: Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately lift bans arbitrarily imposed on books and newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hamas security officers recently confiscated copies of novels from bookstores on the basis of their allegedly “immoral” content, and Hamas officials bar newspapers from being brought…

Palestinians can’t live freely in their own country

Another day and another glorious sign of Zionist democracy: A Palestinian man who is married to a Jewish woman and whose son served in the Israel Defense Forces was recently informed that he is ineligible for a permanent visa to live in Israel. “I can’t buy a home here like a human being, I can’t…

What is Israel selling internationally? Intel and occupation

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on Israel’s largely gutless diplomatic core. He could have equally damned the Zionist lobby globally, a bunch of (mainly) men simply repeating Israeli talking points. Occupation? What occupation? Look over there, rabid anti-Zionists, that’ll change the subject: Our diplomatic corps today is comprised primarily of spineless propagandists void of values or…

Avnery: Israel is on wrong side of history

Uri Avnery in a powerful column about the Zionist state walking off a cliff with its eyes open: Israel is dominated by the settlers, who resemble in spirit the Crusaders of the 12th century. Fundamentalist religious parties, not much different from their Iranian counterparts, play a major role in our state. The political and economic…

Israeli blogger documenting his country’s descent into fascism

Haaretz reports: “It’s important for me to say that personally I love this country,” Shaltiel says. “I would not be doing all this if I didn’t love it.” But the erosion of the foundations of democracy here is gathering momentum, he says, a process he naturally feels more intensely since he started to collect information.…

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