And we can dream that Palestine will be truly free

Gideon Levy in Haaretz reminds us that the struggle there for independence from Zionist occupation may take a little longer but justice is on the right side: This week, Jenin’s wonderland was to be found in Egypt. Residents of the refugee camp closely followed events in the land of the Nile, in a mood of…

Who do Egyptians trust to bring them democracy?

Not the West, says Robert Fisk. The Palestinians would certainly agree: AMY GOODMAN: Well, what about the U.S. relationship with the military? I was talking to someone in a government agency in Washington, and they were deeply concerned, saying, “How do we counter the image that we’ve actually been supporting this despot for 30 years?”…

Zionist has to hide in Britain

When you are a spokesman for an occupying army that commits war crimes, you should watch where you travel. This story highlights what is now the reality for Israelis and it hasn’t come a day too soon: The chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday he had visited Britain incognito and under…

I was once a liberal Zionist then I realised I was a walking contradiction

Brian Walt, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia, former executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights-North America and co-founder of Taanit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for Gaza, writes in Tikkun: For most of my life I have been a liberal Zionist. Since childhood my Judaism had always been connected with a progressive Zionism. In 1987,…

My Favourite Teacher book collection

We all have a mentor or somebody in life who has inspired us. I was asked to contribute to the just released book, My Favourite Teacher (New Press) on a person, when I was younger or today, who has shaped me. My chapter is about former journalist Margo Kingston, a woman who helped me realise…

BDS should rock Israelis from their far-too-comfortable lives

Joseph Dana and Max Blumenthal issue an important essay: …The power of the cultural boycott in disrupting the apathy that pervades middle class, urban Israeli society. Apathy allows Israelis to live in comfort behind iron walls while remaining immune to the occupation and innoculated from its horrors. The culture of apathy allows them to watch…

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