Israel desperate to stop Israeli Jews marrying non-Jews

Apartheid (via Haaretz): Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet decided unanimously on Sunday to extend the Citizenship Law restricting the “family reunification” of Israeli citizens with certain foreign partners for an additional year. The law denies entry or living permits to partners who are considered a security threat, among them Palestinians from the West Bank and…

US Zionist lobby wants to codify Israeli racism against Arabs

The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald writes about the latest example of Zionist “values” corrupting the concept of democracy, decency and fairness: In order for the US to permit citizens of a… foreign country to enter the US without a visa, that country must agree to certain conditions. Chief among them is reciprocity: that country must allow Americans…

Sydney university students take important step against Israeli crimes

This week a victory for countless courageous activists and students at Sydney University. I know some of them and I’m proud to call them colleagues and friends. It’s a brave stand against Israeli illegality and official silence. Here’s the statement: The Student Representative Council at the University of Sydney passed a motion endorsing Associate Professor…

Australian Zionist lobby media complaint rejected as a pest

Earlier in the year, after the ABC broke a massive story about an Australian man Ben Zygier spying for Mossad and dying in an Israeli jail, there was a great deal of media coverage that questioned the ways in which some Jews saw their relationship with the Israeli state. I was interviewed on ABC Radio…

Memo to British Zionists; being anti-Zionist as human as oxygen

Witness the debacle within the British Zionist establishment, via Haaretz, and the increasingly desperate ways that so-called leaders there will do anything to defend Israeli policies without for a minute actually considering what the Jewish state has become; a brutish occupier: LONDON… âˆ’… It was only one private citizen suing Britain’s largest academic union, but it seemed…

Novelist Iain Banks backs cultural boycott of Israel

In the Guardian: I support… the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign… because, especially in our instantly connected world, an… injustice committed against one, or against one group of people, is an injustice against all,… against every one of us; a… collective injury. My particular reason for participating in the cultural boycott of… Israel… is that, first of all, I can; I’m…

Easter in occupied, Palestinian Bethlehem

Life in occupied Palestine can be tough for students just trying to live daily life. I regularly publish the writings of… Brother Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University (see here) and the following is his latest missive: Easter Sunday 31 March 2013 I greet you again from this holy city of Jerusalem where we…

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