One million Jews coming to the West Bank

Haaretz editor Aluf Benn on Israel’s determination towards indefinite apartheid: The third Netanyahu government has one clear goal: enlarging the… settlements… and achieving the vision of “a million Jews living in Judea and Samaria.” This magic number will thwart the division of the land and prevent once and for all the establishment of a Palestinian state. The…

Hating Arabs is Netanyahu’s gift to Israelis

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Benjamin Netanyahu’s children attacked an Arab cleaning man on the seaside promenade in Tel Aviv and caused him serious injuries. They attacked an Arab waiter in a Tel Aviv restaurant with chairs and their fists. They attacked an Arab from Upper Nazareth at the shore of Lake Kinneret because they heard…

Max Brenner soon to open at leading Australian university?

Max Brenner is a chocolate shop that deserves all the protests it receives, namely because it supports the Israeli military. Here’s the latest development in Australia in a story by Ammy Singh in Tharunka newspaper from the University of NSW: The probable opening of a Max Brenner chocolate store at UNSW this year has prompted…

Israel introduces Palestinian only buses aka apartheid

The kind of news that shouldn’t surprise anybody. Apartheid has been a feature of Israeli rule in Palestine for decades. Just further evidence (via Ynet): The Transportation Ministry announced that starting Sunday it will begin operating designated lines for Palestinians in the… West Bank. The bus lines in question are meant, according to the ministry, to…

Inside the mind of Hamas leader Khalid Mishal

Australian journalist Paul McGeough travels to Doha, Qatar for Fairfax Media to interview the Hamas head. What follows is a fascinating discussion about the future of Palestine. Read the whole thing. What remains deeply concerning is the apparent desire of Hamas to embrace the failed two-state equation that will never happen in reality with any…

Oz Zio lobby complains and weeps to ABC about alternative Jewish views

During the recent Prisoner X story about Israel’s covert and often illegal terrorism in the Middle East, I was interviewed by ABC Radio AM on the related issues. The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, a leading Zionist lobby group, sees its role as enforcing public debate over Israel/Palestine. They miserably fail at this, of course,…

What Zionist lobby leaders ignore at their peril over Ben Zygier

Savvy piece by JJ Goldberg in Forward: Many community leaders view crises like the ones in Australia, Argentina and Washington as evidence of a new global anti-Semitism. Israel’s intelligence services conclude differently: that Israel’s continuing West Bank occupation and settlement expansion are fueling a rising frustration among Israel’s longtime friends, gradually morphing into hostility toward…

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